आजाद बोले- मैंने 370 का विरोध किया: लेकिन मोदी ने बदले की भावना नहीं दिखाई; फडणवीस बोले- राहुल न सावरकर बन सकते हैं, न गांधी

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  • Dainik Bhaskar News Headlines Ghulam Nabi Azad vs PM Modi. Donald Trump Case

17 hours agoAuthor: Shubhendu Pratap Bhoomandal, News Brief Editor

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Autobiography of former Congress leader and Democratic Azad Party chief Ghulam Nabi Azad will be launched today. In the autobiography, Azad has mentioned his political experiences of 55 years. He praised PM Modi in an interview before the book launching and raised questions on senior Congress leaders.

Describing Modi as liberal, Azad said, ‘As the leader of the opposition, I opposed him many times. I didn’t spare him even on the issue of Article 370, CAA and Hijab, but Modi never had any sense of revenge. Azad resigned from Congress in August 2022 and said that instead of Bharat Jodo Yatra, Congress Jodo Yatra should be taken out.

On the other hand, India Justice Report-2022 has been released by Tata Trust. According to this, only 22% of the prisoners in the country’s jails are those who have been convicted. Apart from this, cases against 77% of the prisoners are going on in different courts, on which the decision is yet to come.

Maharashtra Deputy CM Devendra Fadnavis made a statement on Congress leader Rahul Gandhi during Veer Savarkar Yatra on Tuesday. He said that Rahul can neither become Savarkar nor Gandhi. To become Savarkar one has to make sacrifices. After losing the membership of Parliament, Rahul had said in the press conference – My name is not Savarkar, my name is Gandhi and Gandhi does not apologize to anyone.

Today’s major events, which will be watched

  1. Hearing on Manish Sisodia’s bail plea in Delhi Liquor Policy case.
  2. Rajasthan Royals-Punjab Kings match in IPL.

Big news, which will keep you updated…

1. Azad said – PM kept behaving like a politician, Jairam did not come to protest when 370 was abolished

This picture is of 9 February 2021, when Ghulam Nabi Azad's term from Rajya Sabha was coming to an end.  Prime Minister Narendra Modi also got emotional in his farewell speech.

This picture is of 9 February 2021, when Ghulam Nabi Azad’s term from Rajya Sabha was coming to an end. Prime Minister Narendra Modi also got emotional in his farewell speech.

Azad has written in his autobiography- When Home Minister Amit Shah announced the removal of Article 370 from Jammu and Kashmir, I threw my ear phone and went to the Well to protest and sat on a dharna. I also called the leaders of the opposition there, but you will be surprised to know that Jairam Ramesh sat alone on his seat and did not participate in the dharna. Then he was the chief whip of the party in the Rajya Sabha.

Azad has also targeted Salman Khurshid in the book. According to Azad, Salman had questioned his role in G-23. Khurshid and some other leaders united for a cause and termed him as a rebel. There are some people in the Congress who took undue advantage of their position and did not give anything to the party in return. These people kept registering their presence only on Twitter.
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2. In 30% of the country’s jails, 3 prisoners instead of one, Karnataka is the only state where 32% women employees in jails
According to the India Justice Report, 30% of the country’s jails are such where three or more prisoners are kept instead of one prisoner. At the same time, 54% of the jails have more than twice the capacity of prisoners. The number of undertrial prisoners has increased the most since 2010. In 2010, this number was 2.4 lakhs, which almost doubled to 4.3 lakhs in 2021. Means it has increased by 78%.

Karnataka is the only state where women constitute 32% of the prison staff. And in 17 states/UTs, the share of women prison staff is not more than 10%. Here, at the High Court level, cases remain pending for the maximum time (on average 11.34 years) in Uttar Pradesh. In this case with an average of 9.9 years. Bengal is at number two. Cases remain pending for the shortest time (1 year) in the Tripura High Court.
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3. Avalanche in Sikkim, accident on China border, 7 tourists died, 23 were rescued

Avalanche came in Sikkim’s famous tourist place Gangtok, in which 7 tourists died. The dead include four men, two women and a child. Border Roads Organization (BRO) rescued 23 people including 6 tourists. The avalanche occurred at the 14th milestone on the Jawaharlal Nehru Marg connecting Gangtok to Nathu La Pass. Tourists are not allowed to visit this area.

According to the statement issued by the army, five-six vehicles were trapped under the snow, in which about 30 people were. Seven bodies have been pulled out of the snow till 4 pm. Apart from this, 11 of the rescued tourists have been admitted to the hospital in Gangtok due to their critical condition. PM Narendra Modi and Union Home Minister Amit Shah condole the death of tourists in Avalanche in Sikkim.
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4. India’s reply to China on name change, said- doing so will not change the reality
India has opposed China’s move to change the names of 11 places in Arunachal Pradesh. Foreign Ministry spokesperson Arindam Bagchi said – We have come across reports of such antics of China in the past as well. We reject these new names outright. Arunachal Pradesh was, is and will remain an integral part of India. Changing the name in this way will not change the reality.

Earlier in 2021, China had changed the names of 15 places and in 2017, 6 places. China describes Arunachal as part of ‘Southern Tibet’. It alleges that India has annexed its Tibetan territory and made it Arunachal Pradesh. At the same time, Congress President Mallikarjun Khadne raised questions on the Modi government. He said that the country is facing the consequences of giving a clean chit to China after Galvan.
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5. Finland became the 31st member of NATO Alliance, Russia said – this is an attack on our security

Foreign Minister of Finland (before left) handing official documents to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken (far right) in the presence of NATO Chief Jens Stollenberg

Foreign Minister of Finland (before left) handing official documents to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken (far right) in the presence of NATO Chief Jens Stollenberg

Finland has become the 31st member of NATO. Organization’s Secretary General Jens Stollenberg announced Finland’s joining the Military Alliance. The headquarters of NATO is in Brussels. Finnish Foreign Minister Pekka Haavisto completed the formalities by handing over an official document to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken at NATO headquarters. Very soon Sweden may also become a part of NATO.

Stollenberg is the former Prime Minister of Norway. He said- For the first time the flag of Finland was hoisted at the NATO headquarters. Now the responsibility of its security will be of NATO countries. Finland’s President Sauli Niinisto and Defense Minister Antti Kaikonen also became part of the ceremony. Here, Russia says that the inclusion of Finland in NATO is an attack on our security in a way, we will deal with it.
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Today’s cartoon BY Mansoor Naqvi…

Some important news in the headline…

  1. Terror group threatens RSS leaders of Kashmir: Resistance Front releases target list of 30 leaders, says they will shed blood (Read full news)
  2. Violence on Ram Navami… Organization of Muslim countries expressed concern: OIC said- India should take action against the culprits; Foreign Ministry said – their anti-India agenda (Read full news)
  3. Center seeks report on violence from West Bengal government: BJP state president wrote letter, Mamta said- BJP goons spread violence (Read full news)
  4. Ajit Pawar said – Modi wins with his charm: NCP leader said – People did not choose him by looking at his degree (Read full news)
  5. Maruti cars fail in safety: K10 gets 2 stars and WagonR gets 1 star; 5 rating for Volkswagen Virtus and Skoda Slavia (Read full news)

News but aside…

Musk changed the Twitter logo, replaced the bird with a photo of a dog; change on web only

Elon Musk changed the logo of the micro-blogging site Twitter on Tuesday. Twitter replaced the blue bird with a dog as its logo. Musk told a user in a tweet that he fulfilled what he had promised. Although this change is currently visible only on the web version and not on the mobile app. American billionaire Musk bought Twitter in October last year.

As soon as Twitter’s logo changed, users were surprised and started questioning each other about this change. A user asked if everyone is seeing the dog on the logo. Within no time #DOGE started tweeting on Twitter. Users thought that someone had hacked Twitter. Shortly after, Elon Musk made a tweet, which made it clear that Twitter has changed its logo. Read full news..

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