अगले 5 दिनों में 3-5 डिग्री तक बढ़ेगा तापमान: मौसम विभाग ने कई राज्यों के लिए जारी की चेतावनी; MP-महाराष्ट्र में हो सकती है बारिश

  • Hindi News
  • National
  • weather forecast updates; MP Maharashtra Heatwave Alert | Kerala Sikkim Temperature Forecast

New Delhi29 minutes ago

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In some parts of the country, the heat is going to increase in the next few days. The Meteorological Department has told on Thursday that the temperature will increase by 3 to 5 degree Celsius in the next 5 days in many parts of the country. According to the Meteorological Department, in the next 4-5 days in North-East India, West Bengal, Sikkim, Odisha, Coastal Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh, the maximum temperature will be 3-5 degrees above normal.

Heat wave will continue in West Bengal, Odisha and Bihar
There is a possibility of heat wave from April 13 to 17 in different parts of Gangetic West Bengal. Apart from this, from April 13 to 15, there may be heat wave in North Coastal Andhra Pradesh and Odisha and in Bihar from April 15 to 17. Whereas, Goa, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh may receive light rain and lightning in the next few days.

The increase in heat will increase the power consumption, which will increase the load on the country's electricity network.  Due to this, there may also be a shortage of electricity in the country.

The increase in heat will increase the power consumption, which will increase the load on the country’s electricity network. Due to this, there may also be a shortage of electricity in the country.

Most states will be warmer than normal this year
According to the forecast of the Meteorological Department, most parts of the country will be warmer than normal this year. During the next three months, heat wave conditions will prevail over most parts of the central, eastern and north-western states. In Odisha, Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik has ordered the closure of all schools and anganwadis till April 16.

Heat wave to continue in Delhi from April 15 to May 31
According to the Meteorological Department, loo (heatwaves) will start running in Delhi from April 15, which will continue till March 31. The temperature there will reach 40 degree Celsius in the next two days. Due to the dusty winds coming from Rajasthan, the air of Delhi has also deteriorated.

The Delhi government has issued a guideline asking the schools not to have an assembly in the afternoon.

The Delhi government has issued a guideline asking the schools not to have an assembly in the afternoon.

Hottest February since 1901
February this year was the hottest in India since 1901. In fact, it was only in 1901 that weather records began to be kept. Records prior to that are not available. At the same time, due to 7 Western Disturbances in March, the rains were more than normal, due to which the temperature remained under control.

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