Zeenat Aman To Make A Big Screen Comeback? Veteran Actress Breaks Silence On Instagram

edited by: Yatmanyu Narayan

Last Update: February 19, 2023, 14:55 IST

Zeenat Aman answers whether she has plans to return to the silver screen.

Zeenat Aman answers whether she has plans to return to the silver screen.

Zeenat Aman shared a beautiful picture of herself along with a long note about her thoughts on making a comeback to the silver screen.

Veteran actress Zeenat Aman, who recently made her debut on Instagram, is treating fans with back-to-back pictures from her personal photo gallery. After that track, the veteran actress greeted her fans with another touching picture of hers. Along with this, she also penned a long note clarifying whether her debut on Instagram equates to her return to the silver screen.

On Sunday, Zeenat Aman shared the picture on her timeline, where she can be seen sitting on a sofa, behind which is a beautiful painting on the wall. She wore a white shirt with blue jeans and teamed them with bright red lipstick.

“There is some speculation that my presence here is a precursor to my return to the silver screen. I’m a notoriously private person, and I feel tongue-tied by this sudden sharing. The truth is that I have lived in the public eye since the age of 16, and have experienced the dangers of being misquoted, taken out of context, censored and gossiped about. Now as a seventy year old, I am relishing the opportunity to reflect on my life and career in my own words. That too without any pressure from managers or studios or brands.”

She further added, “I am not planning a return to the silver screen, but neither am I closing that door. The creativity doesn’t end there, and I’d love to sink my teeth into a subtle and impactful character. I am of course well aware that such roles for older women are few and far between. A few days ago I read about a study by the Annenberg Foundation that analyzed 1,000 Hollywood movies released between 2007 and 2017. They found that less than 25% of the women on screen were over the age of 40. The numbers of the Indian film industry are unlikely to go down. be much better So, in short, I nurture optimism, not hope. In the meantime, my sons are helping me understand the language online. I just learned what a “thirst trap” is! 🌺 This photo of me relaxing at home was taken by @tanyyaa.a_.”

Zeenat Aman made her Instagram debut over the weekend with a picture of her sitting on a chair and striking a simple pose. She also wrote a caption which read, “Life makes me laugh at the places it takes me. Why hello, Instagram”.

Zeenat started her career as a model and then became an actress, starring in several films. The actress was known for her films like Don, Hare Rama Hare Krishna, Samrat, Laawaris and many more. Zeenat Aman was admired for her acting prowess and was equally daring in her style, and is considered one of the most influential personalities in the world. Bollywood Fashion History.

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