YouTubers Float Mock Balloon Over Chinese Embassy in London Amid US-China Tussle

Two YouTubers with a channel named ‘Josh & Archie’ pulled off a dangerous prank based on the Chinese ‘spy’ balloon incident that took place in the US. The two flew a fake ‘spy’ balloon imitating the Chinese and placed it over the Chinese embassy in London. He recorded the incident on video and shared it on YouTube. His politically risky prank garnered a lot of views on social media platforms but people were worried about the repercussions of the prank on a serious issue.

The YouTubers say in the video that the Chinese embassy is mistaken for China and that they have decided to fly a balloon over “Chinese airspace”. The two men used a weather balloon for the prank and also installed a ‘camera’ on it.

After the police were informed about the balloons, a van reached the spot and requested the duo to stop their prank as someone in the embassy might be “offended” by the prank.

YouTubers were alluding to the recent US-China tussle after the US shot down a Chinese spy balloon over the former’s airspace. China expressed displeasure over America’s antics but America remained firm on its decision.

“We are always going to defend our interests, we did so in the strategic case of this balloon. We also said in the release that you mentioned that we are exploring the possibility of taking action against PRC entities linked to the PLA that supported the intrusion of balloons into US airspace, “said US State Department spokesman Ned Price.