YouTuber and TEDx Speaker, Peter Sage Is a Beacon of Hope with His Life-Changing Philosophy

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oi-Oneindia Staff


Published: Monday, February 21, 2022, 17:13 [IST]

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Peter is a man of multiple talents, but the one thing that has helped him transform thousands of lives and generate mind shifts is his unique perception of life and interpretation of human behaviors. Peter presents his valuable teachings and insights in a way that adds huge value to the lives of those who are seeking higher levels of fulfillment, meaning or purpose. The backbone of his philosophy lies in the phrase ‘You can never rise above the opinion of yourself’.

YouTuber and TEDx Speaker, Peter Sage Is a Beacon of Hope with His Life-Changing Philosophy

As an expert speaker, Peter has been invited to various global platforms like the United Nations and frequently at TEDx, where he has presented his valuable knowledge in his engaging and high energy style. He is termed as a glass ceiling destroyer for frustrated high performers having helped countless people to perform beyond their thoughts of themselves. He is internationally respected by his peers and loved by his fans for his life-changing philosophy, empowering teachings, and ability to facilitate permanent upgrades in thinking.

Peter has over 30 years of experience in both business and high-level personal development. A high school dropout, Peter embarked on his business career early, starting his enterprise when he was only 17. His career, he has been able to initiate over 25 international businesses, mostly without financial resources. While some he admits ‘failed tremendously’, others helped his success skyrocket. Some of them include WorldWide Health Corporation, Sage Business School, and the Energié fitness brand.

However, early success came at a price. At the age 25, after earning his first million and buying his first home and Ferrari, he had a wake up call in the form of a burnout and a near-fatal car accident that changed his view of a fast-paced, overly achieving life and career. This is when he realized that there is a huge difference between a life chasing success and a life chasing fulfillment.

Analysing his own life at that time made him realize how his constant struggle for success was driven by an unconscious insecurity and a need to prove to the world he was good enough. This awareness led him deeper into the field of personal development and specifically human behavior which he believes is not taught or even understood in the traditional education system.

Today he leads a teacher’s role focusing on personal and spiritual development and helps people identify, alter and grow their inner psychology to create a shift in their outer world. He further helps others through his best-selling book The Inside Track: An Inspirational Guide To Conquering Adversity which offers a powerful and practical tool-set to help you realign your mindset and see opportunity within any adversity.

Story first published: Monday, February 21, 2022, 17:13 [IST]