YouTube: YouTuber wins $10,000 in bet with physicist – Times of India

Derek Muller one is YouTuber Who has a popular channel called Veritasium on the platform, where he likes to break science for the common man. Wikipedia describes him as a “science communicator, filmmaker, television personality and inventor”. In May, he posted a video about the Blackbird, a wind-powered vehicle. He was curious as to whether any wind-powered vehicle could move faster than the wind when downwind and decided to ride black And see for yourself. The vehicle is the creation of Rick Cavallaro, a former aerospace engineer, and his team and was sponsored by Google and Joby Energy in 2010.
Mueller said in a statement to Business Insider, “I knew it was an intuitive problem. To be completely honest with you, when I went out to pilot the craft, I didn’t understand That’s how it works.”
Within a week of posting the video, Mueller received an email from Alexander Kusenko, a physics professor UCLA, that his claim must be false and that a vehicle like the Blackbird would break the laws of physics. Mueller suggested betting $10,000 on him, perhaps thinking that the professor would not agree to the bet. To his surprise, he agreed and even joined some of the big names in science like bill nee And Neil deGrasse Tyson To weigh in with their opinion. But Mueller turned out to be right as his vehicle reached 27.7 mph in a 10mph tailwind. The professor had to pay. Here’s the video.

Back in 2010, Cavallaro and his team demonstrated that the vehicle could travel downwind 2.8 times faster than in the air, a record that was confirmed by the North American Land Sailing Association, the report said.


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