YouTube gets ‘new to you’ feature to help users find fresh content

The YouTube homepage feed, Chrome News Feed or Facebook News Feed mostly show you content on these accessible pages that revolve around very small topics that link to something you’ve searched for or viewed. While this feature can keep you engaged on the platform and help you dive deeper into your interests declared on the platform, the feature also creates an echo room around you that lets you know only about one type of content and the things you do. Supply a wide range of materials. Not searching, remains undiscovered. Now, claiming to help its users “find new creators and fresh content” beyond their “usual recommendations,” YouTube is rolling out a new feature called “New for You.”

According to a post in the community section of youtube Help Portal by Meghan, Community Manager of YouTube, the feature is available on mobile, desktop and television devices on the YouTube homepage. The post states that by using the “new to you” feature, users can find content “beyond the recommended videos” that they typically watch.

Here’s how you can use this feature to find videos that are “new to you”:

Phase 1: Open the YouTube app on your mobile, desktop or television.

Phase 2: Make sure you are logged into YouTube. Since this feature is based on personalization, only logged-in users will be able to view it.

step 3: On your smartphone, you should see a “New to you” option in the theme bar next to the “Explore” button at the top of your screen. If you can’t see it, you’ll need to drag-and-drag down the homepage to refresh the screen.

step 4: Once the screen refreshes, you should see a “new to you” option with a colored outline. Touch Options, and YouTube will show you videos that are fresh and unseen for you.

On your desktop device, a new to you option will appear in the video feed as a card titled “Looking for something different?” There will be a ‘new to you’ button on the card, clicking which will bring you to your yet ‘unseen’ video. The reason for the feature, the company explains in the community post, was giving users something new to watch when they caught up with all the recommendations, and helping video creators connect with new audiences.

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