Youth rescues 55-year-old man from drowning in Karnataka Mangaluru News – Times of India

Udupi: Team of four youths of the district Satyada Tuluvera group of like-minded individuals Social service In Mangaluru and Udupi, 55-year-old man saved from drowning Papanashini River During the early hours of Friday.
Praveen Kurkal, a businessman and member of Satyada Tuluvar, who was part of the rescue operation, told TOI that the incident came to light when two of his friends, vast And Chetan, working as a graphic designer, was returning home from Manipal after completing his night shift at 4.10 am.
“On reaching the Manipur-Kurkal bridge, they saw that a two-wheeler had fallen on the bridge. They immediately went to the vehicle and found shoes in it. They realized that something was wrong, and started looking in and around the river, which was at a depth of about 40 feet with the help of their mobile torch. It was raining and visibility was poor. When they were about to leave the place that they could not find anyone, they heard a man shouting for help He was about 50 meters away from the bridge. He called me on the phone and I reached out to expert swimmer Ishwar Malpe for help, who reached the spot in 10 minutes.”
“God swam towards the man and caught him, but he soon realized that it could be dangerous to save him alone. I immediately reached a relative’s house and ordered a 50 liter can and a rope from them. Then we tied the victim with a rope at one end, and we held the rope to the bank of the river. The can acted like a boat for the victim and within 45 minutes we were able to rescue him. Meanwhile, we informed the police who reached the spot. The rescued man, Balkrishna Bhat, was taken to a private hospital, and his family was informed. He was probably in the river between 12 noon and 4.30 pm.


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