Youth Extorts ₹30l From Uncle, Held With Accomplice | Varanasi News – Times of India

VARANASI: In a joint action of crime branch and Luxa police, one Anubhav Gupta (22) along with his accomplice were nabbed from Lalkuti area under the limits of Luxa police station on Monday midnight for extorting Rs 30 lakh from his uncle by posing as GST official and then a don of Mumbai.
Commissioner of police A Satish Ganesh said, both the boys extorted money from Narendra Gupta- a textile trader spent the money on their girlfriends and other enjoyments. Apart from three mobile phones and a motorcycle, cash worth Rs 6.60 lakh was recovered from duo, said police.
The textile trader had become a soft target of his nephew Abhinav and his friend after they threatened him for the first time in February by posing as GST officer Rajendra and threatening to seize his stock. Once the trader came under their pressure and paid Rs 1.50 lakh as extortion in Mahmoorganj area they threatened him again and received Rs two lakhs and Rs 10 lakhs on March 16 and April 14. Later, they issued threats to him posing as a don of Mumbai. Threatening to kill his son, they extorted Rs 15 lakhs from the trader on May 17. After paying Rs two lakh to them again on May 23, the trader took shelter of police.
Later, CP engaged crime branch to nab the culprits. As per the plan, they were called to receive money at Lalkuti area where they both were arrested. Following their arrest it became clear that Abhinav is the son of trader’s cousin brother. tnn