Your Job Might Be at Risk from ChatGPT: US-based Survey, AI Experts Warn of New Fear

Despite the excitement around AI technologies like ChatGPT, whose fourth-generation large language model GPT4 is expected to be released next week, the debate over the threat to the current job market from the growing technology is being brushed under the carpet.

On the one hand, proponents claim that automation, AI or technology of any kind will not replace the human workforce but will create more jobs and opportunities, on the other hand this does not seem to be the case.

The United Nations noted that out of 270 occupations recorded in the 1950 US Census, only one elevator operator position had been replaced by technology. But, as the world becomes more tech-driven, the fear of being replaced by cutting-edge technologies is also on the rise., in its survey, which included 1,000 US businesses, found that 49% of companies currently use ChatGPT, while 30% plan to do so.

It also found that 48% of companies using ChatGPT said they have replaced employees, while 25% revealed they have already saved more than $75,000 after using an AI chatbot.

The survey conducted in February showed that companies are mostly using AI chatbots for writing code, copywriting, customer support and more.

There are other experts who support the fact that technologies like ChatGPT are affecting the job market. One of them is Rajeev Malhotra, a researcher and computer scientist specializing in AI, who said he had previously criticized many consultants who convinced the public that AI would create more jobs, “but that is not the real case”. .

Malhotra talked about algorithms that are reading X-ray images and can better diagnose issues and also detect tumors. Similarly, machines can recognize faces better than humans.

“Obviously, you’re replacing human beings and there’s no doubt about that. Now, you’re also creating jobs but you’re creating a different kind of job—a very highly educated kind of job. So, Maybe Bengaluru can expand the economy, bring more jobs, but some people may be lost because what they are doing is very labor intensive,” he told News18.

He believes that social and economic policies are needed for the people concerned. There are movements called AI ethics and a counter voice for a responsible AI, he said.

“In some countries, they are trying to make some laws that if you introduce AI that has taken away a certain number of jobs, then your responsibility is to train those people and get them some other job. You cannot just throw them out.

Meanwhile, Priya Ranjan Panigrahi, founder and CEO of Septase, believes that ChatGPT is a revolutionary technology.

He also agreed that the concern about AI chatbots taking over human jobs is valid. According to Panigrahi, although this can increase productivity and efficiency, it can also displace jobs, especially in low-skilled industries.

“This can have serious effects on individuals and communities, especially in countries where job security and social safety nets are weak,” he said.

However, Panigrahi told News18, “I believe the impact of AI on job security may not be as significant as perceived. There are certain jobs that require creativity, emotional intelligence and human interaction, which Those less likely to be automated include jobs in healthcare, education, social services, and the arts, among other sectors.

“While it is inevitable that technology will eventually replace some jobs, that is not likely to happen anytime soon,” he warned.

They believe that to address concerns of job displacement, it is important to invest in education and training programs that help workers adapt to the changing market and ensure that the benefits of AI are shared equally. be distributed properly.

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