Yogi government to conduct a survey of 3 lakh women who gave birth to children last year

The Yogi Adityanath government is planning its own annual survey, which begins with interviews with nearly three lakh women who have given birth in the past year in Uttar Pradesh, in an effort to reduce maternal and infant mortality rates. , News18 learned.

The burden of maternal mortality, neonatal and infant mortality in Uttar Pradesh is much higher than in the rest of the country, the UP government said in a proposal document accessed by News18.

As per Sample Registration System (SRS) estimates, 2018, the Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR) of UP is 197 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births, while the Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) and Neonatal Mortality Rate (NMR) are estimated for UP. 43 and 32 per 1,000 live births respectively, much higher than the national average.

The state now wants to analyze its health data “more granularly” than various central data sources such as the Health Management Information System (HMIS), SRS and the National Family Health Survey (NFHS).

“An annual quantitative survey is proposed, which can be used to help monitor government investments and track the progress of the state on important health indicators. We expect that about 2.8 lakh women in rural and urban Uttar Pradesh will need to provide district-level representative estimates of Neonatal Mortality Rate (NMR) and Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) during childbirth in the past year. This sample will also be sufficient to provide a regional estimate of maternal mortality rate (MMR). The same group of women may also be interviewed,” said the document.

UP’s fight against mother-child death

The SRS Bulletin for 2020, released last month, said UP’s infant mortality rate was 38 in 2020, up from 43 in 2018 and 61 almost a decade ago. However, the latest figure was still much higher than the national average of 28. Recent NITI Aayog report It also said that UP is one of the progressive states in terms of improvement in various health outcomes.

However, 2018 estimates still suggested that, given the estimated population, around 12,000 mothers and 2.5 lakh children below the age of one year are expected to die annually in UP. Furthermore, the Global Burden of Disease Study published in 2017 showed significant variation in IMR across 75 districts, with Deoria having the lowest 36 and UP Budaun district the highest at 76.

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“Such variations also call for geography-specific interventions (district or group of districts) to accelerate the pace of reduction in mortality. Sustainable Development Goal to reduce MMR below 70 and NMR to 12 by 2030 through strengthening health infrastructure, promoting public-private partnerships and addressing complication management by training providers and strengthening referrals Committed to achieving the SDGs. Tantra,” says the proposal of the UP government.

new survey

The new survey will cover important health indicators such as reproductive health, maternal, neonatal and child health, risk factors, mental health, treatment seeking patterns, exposure to telemedicine, expenditure on health, exposure to Ayushman Bharat Scheme , substance abuse, tuberculosis and multidimensional poverty.

In addition, this survey is expected to provide a robust estimate on infant and neonatal mortality at the district level, while Maternal mortality rate At the regional level, ”says the state.

The study will also try to provide MMR for five broad regions of the state – East, West, Central, Bundelkhand and Terai region. The state wants its own survey as it feels that HMIS provides aggregate level data and does not allow deep individual level analysis, whereas survey data such as NFHS provide estimates at three- to five-year intervals. There is a similar issue with the SRS, the document says, where there is a limit to the in-depth search of mortality data.

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“Keeping in view these deficiencies with the existing data sources, the State is planning to develop an internal system for arranging different representative data from time to time, which can be used for monitoring at continuous intervals for necessary action. and can be done to provide insight. Furthermore, given the wide variation in coverage of health services, outcomes, as well as differences in the rate of change in mortality indicators, it will be most important to identify the geography and socio-economic strata with poor coverage indicators and the reasons behind it. ,” the state government has said.

The survey is expected to help the state understand and prioritize geographic and program related areas for maternal and child care, understand the key socio-demographic, relevant and factors associated with maternal, neonatal and infant mortality, and better provision Hoping to come up with strategies for of services in health care facilities through action plans, protocols and policies.

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