Yogi Adityanath Plays Holi At Gorakhnath Temple, Says ‘No Class, Caste Divide In This Festival’

Gorakhpur: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Tuesday participated in Holi celebrations at Gorakhnath temple in Gorakhpur district and said that everyone is celebrating the festival of colors together and there is neither caste nor class or regional division. Holi. Holi always inspires us not to keep any kind of malice, or jealousy towards anyone. There are occasions when everything is dedicated to the nation – these festivals are giving us that inspiration.

There is neither caste nor class or regional division. Everyone is celebrating Holi together. What better occasion to spread the message of unity than this? Burai is celebrated in two more days – Holika Dahan and Holi Milan.

Meanwhile, keeping alive the traditional fervor and essence of the festival, devotees offered prayers on the occasion of Holi at Banke Bihari Temple in Mathura district’s Vrindavan on Wednesday. A large number of devotees were seen in the temple with sweets and colors in their hands.

The festival of Holi in Mathura has a long history and significance. According to Hindu mythology, Lord Krishna went to his beloved Radha’s city of Barsana from Nandgaon in Mathura to celebrate the festival with her. Earlier on March 7, devotees played Holi with enthusiasm at the famous Priyakant Ju Temple in Vrindavan, Uttar Pradesh.

However, Barsana, a small town located about 42 km from Mathura, is famous for its Lathmar Holi festival. During this festival, women run after men carrying ‘lathis’ or lathis and playfully beat them. On the other hand, men come dressed with a ‘dhal’ or shield.

In the Barsana, Mathura and Vrindavan regions, which are known as the cities of Radha and Krishna respectively, Holi begins on Basant Panchami and lasts for more than a month. Thousands of devotees and tourists visit Mathura and Vrindavan to witness this frenzied version of Holi.

The festival of colors is celebrated with enthusiasm all over India. People throw “gulal” or dry colors on each other and sing and dance to mark the festival. On this day people celebrate the victory of good over evil and officially welcome the spring season.