Yes, you can get COVID even after getting vaccinated, but you are unlikely to get sick

When a COVID cluster includes people who have been vaccinated against the virus, we inevitably hear a flurry of complaints from those who wonder what vaccination means. But when you read behind the headlines, you usually see the answer: In most cases, those who were vaccinated and contracted COVID-19 did not die, did not develop severe symptoms and were Hospitalization was not required.

For unvaccinated Australians in their later years, the chances of dying from COVID are high. For uninsured people in their 80s, about 32% who contract COVID will die from it. For people in their 70s, it’s about 14%. (For uninsured people in their 60s, this drops to about 3%. And for those under 50, it’s less than 1%.) The good news is that both Pfizer and AstraZeneca both prevent serious illness and COVID- 19 are very effective in preventing death, even from the more virulent Delta strain. So how effective are our vaccines? Preliminary data from the United Kingdom suggests that after your first dose of Pfizer or AstraZeneca, you are 33% less likely than a non-vaccinated person to contract the delta variant.

Two weeks after your second dose, this rises to 60% for AstraZeneca and 88% for Pfizer. This data is for any type of COVID-19 from mild to severe. But when you look at how much vaccines reduce the risk of developing serious illness requiring hospitalization, coverage is high for both. The vaccines from Pfizer and AstraZeneca are 96% and 92% effective (respectively) in preventing delta-type hospitalizations.

Why do some people get COVID even after vaccination? Vaccines are not a magic barrier. They do not kill the virus or pathogen they target. Rather, vaccines stimulate a person’s immune system to make antibodies. These antibodies are specific for the vaccine against the virus or pathogen and allow the body to fight off the infection before it takes hold and causes serious illness.

However, some people will not have a strong enough immune response to the vaccine and may still be susceptible to developing COVID-19 if exposed to the virus. How a person responds to a vaccine is influenced by a host of factors, including our age, gender, medications, diet, exercise, health, and stress levels.

It is not easy to tell who has not developed a sufficiently strong immune response to the vaccine. Measuring a person’s immune response to a vaccine is not easy and requires detailed laboratory tests. And while a side effect from the vaccine may indicate that you are having a reaction, the absence of symptoms does not mean you are having a weak reaction.

It also takes time for the immune system to respond to vaccines and produce antibodies. For most two-shot vaccines, antibody levels increase and then decrease after the first dose. These antibodies are amplified one after the other. But unless your antibody levels rise after the second dose, you’re better not covered.

What does COVID look like after getting vaccinated? The PCR test we use to detect SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, is very sensitive and can result in a positive case even if you have low levels of the virus in your system. can detect. This means a person may test positive for SARS-CoV-2 but still not have symptoms of COVID-19. Of those vaccinated people who have reported symptoms, the vast majority report mild ones with a shorter duration.

There is always the possibility that a vaccinated person can pass the virus on to a non-vaccinated person without causing any symptoms. But people who have been vaccinated will likely develop COVID-19 with a lower viral load than non-vaccinated people, meaning they are less likely to spread the virus.

One study estimated that people who were vaccinated with Pfizer or AstraZeneca were 50% less likely to pass it on to unvaccinated household contact than those who did not. This transmission will be reduced again if both family members are vaccinated. But if you have not been vaccinated and you contract COVID-19, you are more likely to spread the virus.

What about future variants? So far, preliminary data (some of which are ongoing and/or yet to be peer reviewed) suggest that our current vaccines are effective in protecting against circulating variants. But as the virus mutates, the chances of viral survival increase. This means there is a greater chance that the virus will develop mutations that make it fit against vaccination, or enable it to escape more easily.

Scientists are monitoring this closely to ensure that our current and/or future vaccines are effective against circulating strains. The best thing we can do to help in the fight against COVID-19 is to reduce the spread of the virus. This means getting vaccinated when you can, making sure you maintain social distance when necessary, and getting tested if you have any symptoms. (conversation) AMS 07080946 NNNN.


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