Wreckage of Chinese rocket fell on the ground in India! Learn more

The wreckage of a Chinese rocket burst into the Indian sky with a sudden burst of fire in the dark night sky. Initially, many people in Maharashtra, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh saw the Agulen shell pierce the sky and land on the ground. At first many people thought it was a meteor but minutes after seeing fire in the sky, a round object and a ring crashed in Chandrapur district of Maharashtra. Experts believe it is the wreckage of a rocket launched by China in 2021

Jonathan McDowell, an astronomer at the Center for Astrophysics, tweeted: “I believe this is due to the Chinese rocket’s re-entry into Earth’s atmosphere. The third stage of the Chang Zheng 3B serial number Y6. It was launched in February 2021. was launched hopefully it will return in the next few hours and the path has been well chosen.”

An ISRO scientist, on condition of anonymity, said: “I believe it was probably a Chinese CZ-3B because its time and location matched the US Space Command’s forecast.” It is at least clear from the statements of many experts that this event was not a cosmic event. Instead, the rockets used in the satellite launch struck Indian soil.