World Tourism Day 2021: Know the history, importance and theme of 2021

World Tourism Day 2021: The sector that has suffered the most since the start of the Corona epidemic is the tourism sector. It is said that just as the exchange of information creates a relationship between two people, in the same way tourism connects two countries with each other. Through tourism we can learn about different places, their culture and their traditions. Today i.e. on 27 September 2021, the whole world is celebrating World Tourism Day. Every year 27 September is celebrated as World Tourism Day.

It is worth noting that tourism is the sector that provides the largest number of jobs in the world. However, the corona pandemic has taken a toll on this sector and people have been forced to leave it.

History of World Tourism Day

The United Nations World Tourism Organization (World Tourism Organization) was established today in 1980. World Tourism Day was started by the World Tourism Institute in 1970. After this, World Tourism Day was celebrated for the first time on 27 September 1980. The reason behind it was established to enhance the social, cultural, political and economic values ​​around the world and the role of tourism within international communities. The World Tourism Institute said that it is very important to celebrate this day to increase awareness about tourism.

Theme of World Tourism Day 2021

This year’s theme is ‘Tourism for Inclusive Development’ on the occasion of World Tourism Day 2021. Through this theme, every effort will be made to help the people associated with the tourism sector. UNWTO has urged tourists, UN agencies, member countries and non-members to make efforts to celebrate this special day in a unique way on the occasion of World Tourism Day this year. As the world is opening up now, tourism is also looking at a better future.
