World Smile Day: Know how it started and always smile for good health

Today, on this occasion, know how you can be happy in any situation.

Know on this day how you can keep yourself happy in any situation.

World Smile Day is celebrated every year on the first Friday of October. This year it is being celebrated on 1 October. The day was started by American graphic artist Harvey Ball from Worcester, Massachusetts. He created the first smiley in 1963 while working for a client of his own advertising agency.

Harvey Ball created the smiley face for an insurance company that hired him to create an image to boost the morale of its employees. The result was the first smiley that became an instant hit. Years later, Ball had the idea that at least one day a year should be devoted to smiling. That’s why he conceptualized World Smile Day and since 1999 it is being celebrated every year on the first Friday of October.

Today, on this occasion, know how you can be happy in any situation.

If you start your day with a smile then the whole day will be positive. When you smile the real hormones dopamine and serotonin are released in your body. These hormones are responsible for your happiness. Serotonin reduces stress and dopamine increases the experience of pleasure and pleasure.

Our mood also depends on what we think. We can actually control the way we feel and the way we react in any given situation. So keep thinking about the things that make you happy and spend time with people who inspire you.

Laughter has a good effect on everyone and creates positive energy. Being happy is the key to good health as it keeps your heart healthy.

So spread some happiness among others for which you can even tell a joke to them. His smile will fill your heart with happiness. It is said that when you share your happiness it increases. Give things to poor and needy children or give them candy. You can also spend some good time with them or even help them. Helping someone in need will definitely give them happiness, but it will also give you so much happiness that you will forget all your stress.

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