World Population Day 2021: Here are 5 Common Birth Control Methods

The population of a country has a major impact on its development and operation. The size of the population is inversely proportional to the rate of growth. This is why it is important to reduce overpopulation at the national or global level. Doing so will also ensure that our existing resources last longer. Thus, in order to focus on the importance of population, the United Nations Development Program recommended in 1989 that every year 11 July be observed by the international community as World Population Day.

Birth control is one of the important measures taken for population control around the world. There are many methods of contraception about which awareness in our society is limited. Here is a list of some common birth control methods that can be easily used.

1. Male Condoms: Male condoms are a thin film covering made of latex or polyurethane that act as birth control as they prevent sperm from reaching the egg. Condoms are also recommended to prevent sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV/AIDS and others.

2. Female Condoms: Female condoms are used in the vagina which keep the sperm inside the condom and prevent it from entering the uterus. These condoms also prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.

3. IUD: This is a small, T-shaped device placed inside the uterus that can prevent pregnancy for up to 12 years. There are two types of IUDs – non-hormonal-copper T and hormonal-levonorgestrel IUDs. While non-hormonal acts as a spermicide, hormonal contains the progestin levonorgestrel which thickens the muscles of the cervix and loosens the lining of the uterus. This prevents the egg from reaching the fertilization stage.

4. Contraceptive Implant: A contraceptive implant is a matchstick-sized rod that is inserted into the upper arm and not the uterus. It is effective for about three years. These are made of plastic.

5. Birth control pills: Pills are a very popular method of contraception used by women. Those who consume them regularly at the right time, their chances of getting pregnant are less. Birth control pills are easy to use, but they may not be as effective as other methods if they are skipped or taken irregularly. If other medicines are taken with them, their effect may also be less.

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