World Photography Day 2021: What it means to be a photographer in the digital age

This is an era that is being captured and saved as it is passing. Click, Snap, Shots have replaced the word Photo In its journey towards digitization. Photos used to be proof of a moment in the past. However, now the purpose has changed to capture the present, and photography has now changed into a way of communicating and expressing in real time.

This change has been catalyzed more prominently by the advent of the smartphone in everyone’s pocket. Thus, the hottest tools to communicate with each other have swallowed field of photography in a decorative way.

A noted cinematographer, Henry Jacobson, said in an interview with Time, “Photography has always been dependent on technology, and every change in technology has influenced the history of photography. However, the smartphone, in its nature, is a tool for communication.” equipment and not for photography.” Jacobson rightly pointed to the root of the transformational changes in the world of photography.

So, what is it like being a photographer in the digital age? Let’s scrap the surface more to find out its meaning and importance.

It is not true that the digital age has completely shattered the sanctity of photography. What it has done is make the art form more accessible, heterosexual and fundamentally democratic. Everyone can use their smartphone device to explore their surroundings in front of myriad eyes in search of other perspectives of the world. The art form is not limited to mechanics, moments and mind.

However, humans are slaves to their own psyche, and one of the elements that rules us is the more we have, the less it is of value in our lives. And unfortunately, the same can happen in the case of photography. The ease of freezing a moment in our data storage has lost the weight of the moment a picture used to take.

Does this mean photography is losing value?

Well, no. As noted by Cornell Capa, founder of the International Center of Photography, “photography is the most important and effective means of communication of ideas and perspectives between people and nations at large,” photography can never lose value.

However, 10 years down the line, our smartphone gallery won’t be as flashy as an old photo album that contained childhood memories and the dust of time that blew away.

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