World No-Tobacco Day 2023: How Tobacco Can Affect Your Lungs? Check 7 Daily Practices To Quit Smoking

In the fast paced lifestyle, people do not have a work-life balance which makes them vulnerable to practices that are highly detrimental to their health. The most common habit is smoking. Smoking not only affects the health of the smoker but also makes others vulnerable to various diseases. Secondhand smoke, smoke exhaled by smokers, and smoke from burning tobacco products contain many toxic substances that can be inhaled by nonsmokers. This exposure increases the risk of respiratory infections, asthma and other respiratory conditions.

The harmful effects of tobacco use are well documented and widespread, affecting multiple organ systems and increasing the risk of various diseases. From cigarettes to cigars, pipes and smokeless tobacco products, tobacco contains many toxic substances that can cause serious harm to the body.

Dr Sandeep Nair, Senior Director and HOD Chest and Respiratory Diseases, BLK-Max Super Specialty Hospital, New Delhi explains how tobacco can affect your lungs, and heart health and ways to quit smoking.

Also read: World No-Tobacco Day: 4 dangers of passive smoking, experts share precautions

How can smoking affect your lungs?

Dr Nayyar explains that cigarette smoking can have serious consequences on the lungs. Smoking can damage the airways and alveoli (small air sacs) leading to bronchitis and emphysema. It can also damage the cilia (hair-like structures in the airways that sweep away secretions and dust particles). When cilia are destroyed, there is a greater chance of developing infection as well as symptoms such as a smoker’s cough. In addition, patients can also develop COPD and even cancer of the lungs and mouth. Smoking can result in all major respiratory symptoms including cough, phlegm, wheezing and shortness of breath.

How can smoking affect your heart health?

Dr. Nayyar says that “Smoking is a major cause of heart diseases. Smoking can damage the cells that line the blood vessels, can cause a hypercoagulable state that can cause blood to clot, Smoking can also increase the build-up of plaque in blood vessels, thickening and narrowing of blood vessels which may result in stroke and heart attack.

7 daily exercises to quit smoking

Dr Nayyar explains, when one feels the urge to eat tobacco, remember to chew or smoke tobacco, it normally passes within a few minutes. Every time someone resists a craving for tobacco, he is one step closer to quitting. There are many ways to quit smoking, some of them are:

– Tobacco craving is most likely to occur in places where someone has smoked or chewed tobacco in the past such as at parties/concerts or bars, or at times when there is stress. If possible, avoid going to places or being with people who do not use tobacco

Whenever you feel the urge to smoke, do something to distract yourself. Go for a walk or have a cup of coffee or read a book.

To stop the urge to smoke, chew gum or hard candy or have some snacks.

Physical activity can help distract you from tobacco cravings. You can do some exercise or go for a walk or jogging.

Try relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, muscle relaxation, yoga, and listening to music.

Join an online stop-smoking program or see a counselor who can help you quit

Always remind yourself about the benefits of quitting tobacco. You can learn about the benefits of quitting on the internet or read an article or watch a program where quitting tobacco is promoted.