World No Tobacco Day 2022: Lifestyle changes recommended to prevent cancer

World No Tobacco Day 2022: Lifestyle changes recommended to prevent cancer
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World No Tobacco Day 2022: Lifestyle changes recommended to prevent cancer

A report published in 2022 by the World Health Organization states that every year more than 7 million people suffer from harmful side effects of tobacco consumption, yet the rate of tobacco consumption in India is increasing at an alarming rate across all age groups. Is. We are all aware of the risk factors caused by regular consumption of tobacco. It not only results in serious heart and respiratory medical conditions, but is also a major cause of various types of cancers such as lung, larynx, oral cavity and pharynx, esophagus, pancreas, bladder, stomach, liver, cervix, kidney, and acute myeloid leukemia.

How tobacco affects your health

Tobacco contains cancer-causing chemicals known as carcinogens that increase insulin resistance, high blood pressure, acute respiratory disease and osteoporosis. It also affects our reproductive system and can cause infertility. During pregnancy, it is strictly forbidden for women to smoke as it can lead to premature labor and delivery, birth abnormalities, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy. For men, smoking often damages sperm.

The first step to leading a healthy life is to quit smoking and avoid secondhand or passive smoking. This ensures many health benefits such as reduced cancer risk, better prognosis of cancer patients, better lung capacity, less health impact, and so on. In addition, abstinence from smoking during cancer diagnosis ensures better treatment outcome.

Although it is widely known that the chances of developing cancer also depend on the kind of lifestyle a person chooses, below are some of the lifestyle changes recommended to reduce the risk factor of cancer: Has been:

• Say no to tobacco and alcohol use Excessive alcohol or tobacco consumption can lead to various health concerns developing into fatal problems like cancer related diseases. Therefore, quitting smoking and drinking can increase the body’s ability to fight infection and the body’s immunity.

• Be physically active – Incorporating physical exercise into our daily routine can help us maintain proper weight. Light yoga, Zumba or cycling can help a person stay physically fit and keep health-related effects at bay.

• Eat nutritious food – A healthy and clean body can be maintained by eating the right food and drinking enough water. Our plate should be full of essential nutrients and vitamins that our body needs. It is also advisable to take iron or calcium supplements after consulting a specialist. Also, drinking enough water not only hydrates our body but also helps in digestion, normalizes body temperature and flushes out unwanted bacteria from our bladder.

• sleep well – Experts often suggest that sleeping less than 6 hours can increase the risk of cancer in any person. Sleeping in the right way is important as it can avoid the risk of falling asleep, preventing health problems like diabetes, insomnia and cardiovascular diseases. A good night’s sleep reduces the risk of premature death and maintains blood pressure.

Tobacco can be addictive due to the nicotine content which makes quitting smoking a long and difficult journey. The harmful effects of smoking have been addressed in our country over the years and now there are smoking cessation programs with plans specially designed for smokers.

-Doctor. Shivakumar – Consultant Surgical Oncologist and Laparoscopic Surgeon, North Bangalore Hospital and Trust in Hospital