World Food Day 2021: Healthy eating tips during the COVID-19 pandemic

Eating the right nutrition is paramount to ensure a healthy body. As the world is going through a pandemic situation in which one of the best ways to fight coronavirus To build a strong immunity, we must follow a very healthy diet and maintain impeccable food hygiene. on the occasion of world Food Day Today, 16 October, let’s take a look at some healthy eating tips during COVID-19:

Practice clean and hygienic eating habits

I. To strengthen your immunity, include fresh seasonal fruits (lemon, watermelon, pomegranate, orange, apple, avocado) in your diet.

Reading: World Food Day 2021: Vegetarians should include high protein foods in their diet

Second, eat a balanced diet that includes plenty of leafy greens (spinach, broccoli, kale), legumes (lentils, beans), whole grains (corn, millet, rice), fresh vegetables, dairy products, and nuts.

Fruits and vegetables are health-boosting, antioxidant-rich foods that are loaded with vitamins, minerals, fiber that reduce the risk of inflammation, infections, chronic diseases as they make you stronger.

load up on healthy snacks

Give up those unhealthy, oily, starchy foods (chips, fries, cookies) and make a habit of eating dry fruits, curd, roasted lotus-seed (makhana), dry fruits. Reach for nutritious fruits and dry fruits like almonds, walnuts, raisins, pistachios, peanuts as they are great immunity boosters.

limit your sugar intake

Don’t give in to your sugar cravings. The WHO states that adults should have less than 5% of total energy intake from free sugars (6 tablespoons). So satisfy your sweet tooth with fresh fruits as it is your best option to stay fit. Replace sugar with jaggery/jaggery, or honey.

monitor your food portions

do not overeat or eat less; And make it a routine to eat on time every day.

Switch to Homemade Foods

Say no to highly processed foods or fast food. Instead of cracking open or ordering canned foods stashed in your fridge, choose hot, home-cooked meals.

hydration is key

Take 8-10 glasses of water daily. Drink enough fluids like coconut water (great for maintaining electrolyte balance in the body), buttermilk and fruit juices.

During these covid-19 situations, these should be included as part of your healthy diet plan.

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