World Bicycle Day 2022: Health benefits of cycling that will motivate you to cycle

World Bicycle Day 2022: Cycling has been around for more than two centuries and is probably the most versatile means of transportation. Riding a bicycle not only takes you from one place to another but also takes you on the path of better health.

Recognizing and celebrating the multi-dimensionality of cycling, 3 June is observed by the United Nations as World Bicycle Day. The purpose of this day is to promote the uniqueness and benefits of the bicycle as a means of transport and exercise. Today as we celebrate World Bicycle Day, here we look at some of the health benefits of cycling:

  1. weight control
    Cycling increases the metabolic rate, builds muscles and helps burn body fat. When combined with a healthy diet, cycling can prove to be an effective way to lose weight. Research has shown that a good hour of cycling can help burn 400 to 1,000 calories, depending on the intensity and the rider’s metabolism.
  2. better heart health
    Cycling as a regular activity can help you deal with high blood pressure issues and can ward off many heart-related problems. Cycling often helps boost your heart health and at times reduces the risk of cardiac arrest and other such problems.
  3. promote lung health
    Regular cycling can also enhance your lung health and stamina. During cycling, the lungs have a regular supply of fresh oxygen and the increased breathing rate allows for the development of the muscles around the lungs.
  4. promotes mental health
    Cycling can be helpful in reducing feelings of stress, depression or anxiety. Cycling also aids in social well-being and instills a sense of individual mastery and solidarity.

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