Workplace pressure, financial problems increase heart attack risk: Study

In today’s lifestyle, every person is facing some pressure or the other. Some face the pressure of household responsibilities, while many have performance-related pressures in the office or business. Whatever the cause of the pressure, it ultimately harms the health. A person can become stressed even under high pressure situations. A study by the University of Gothenburg, Sweden claims that workplace pressures and money-related concerns take a toll on health.

This increases the risk of stroke and heart attack by about 30 percent. According to the news published in the Daily Mail, one lakh people from different countries were included in this study. It was found that prolonged mental stress increases the amount of cortisol in the body and also increases blood cholesterol, blood sugar and blood pressure.

People aged 30 to 70 years were included in this study. It was found that mental stress also increases in people with age.

Here’s what experts say

Annika Rosengren, who led the study, said workplace pressures and money-related concerns increase the risk of heart disease and blood clots.

“It is not known exactly what increases the risk of heart disease in severely stressed people, but many different processes occur in the body, such as atherosclerosis,” says Dr. Annika Rosengren.

“And blood clotting can be affected by stress. If we want to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases globally, we need to consider stress as another modifiable risk factor.”

It is important to adopt a healthy lifestyle

According to the study, about 180 million people worldwide die from heart diseases every year. Heart disease is also the biggest cause of death in the world. The way to avoid this is to have a positive thinking and a healthy lifestyle. After the age of 40, every person should include exercise in their daily routine.

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