Won’t sell myself to BJP, stop our ‘dadagiri’ culture: Mamata Banerjee Goa News – Times of India

Panaji: Criticism BJP To weaken the federal structure of the country, the Chief Minister of West Bengal and the Trinamool Congress (TMC) President Mamata Banerjee On Friday, he said that the time has come to end the culture of ‘dadagiri’ of the BJP.
Banerjee, who is on her first three-day visit to Goa, said that unlike the Congress and other opposition parties, which “compromise” with the BJP, the TMC will not sell itself to the saffron party.
Referring to her party’s intention to contest all 40 assembly seats in Goa in the 2022 assembly elections, Banerjee also sought to assuage concerns that the Bengal party is trying to encroach on the state’s political landscape. Was getting it done.
“Let Goans rule Goa. Dilli ka dadagiri band hona chahiye,” she said.
After securing a thumping victory in Bengal elections, TMC is trying to increase its national footprint and aims to make inroads in Goa. Justifying her party’s entry into the state, Banerjee accused the Congress of not taking charge of the opposition party, both nationally and in the state.
“There are other political parties, but they are not taking the initiative. Other parties surrender, we never surrender or compromise. We want to see the credibility, commitment and honesty of the parties first.”
“If TMC is strong, they will feel and come to us. If TMC is not strong, they will go to BJP,” Banerjee said.
He also targeted the Congress over the number of MLAs who defected to the BJP. After the 2017 elections, the Congress emerged as the single largest party with 17 MLAs, but is now left with just 4 members in the 40-member house.
Asking the voters of Goa to give a chance to her party, Banerjee said, “You (Congress) cannot control your MLAs. You cannot take decisions at the right time. You allowed the BJP to form the government. Who can say it won’t happen again?”
He advocated a strong federal structure that could counter the centralization of power in the hands of PM Narendra Modi and Union Home Minister Amit Shah.
“My agenda is very clear, let Goa run from Goa. We want to see the federal structure strengthened,” he said. We want to see a strong union of states,” she said.
Banerjee said the BJP often calls him anti-Hindu, though he has no right to give a character certificate. “I am a Hindu. Who are you to give me a character certificate? I feel guilty because all this has never happened before. I will die but will never divide the country. We unite people, we them Do not share.
Banerjee interacted with the fishermen community at Malim Jetty in Betim and promised to increase the subsidy for fishermen from Rs 30,000 to Rs 75,000. She also met members of the civil society later in the evening.
“We are ready to die, but we are not going to bow our heads before BJP or dictators or tyrants who are ruling the country in the name of enforcement agencies, income tax (officials) and oppressors of civil society, He said while talking to the members of the civil society.
One of the participants urged Banerjee to forge an alliance with the opposition parties if the TMC is serious about defeating the BJP.
“If anyone is interested in working with us, we are ready for that. But the past experience is that alliances do not work,” Banerjee said.
