Women’s panel issues notice to Delhi Police in connection with assault on 16-year-old girl

Delhi Commission for Women has issued notice to Delhi Police in connection with the attack on a 16-year-old girl.

File image of Delhi Police

Women’s panel issues notice to Delhi Police in connection with assault on 16-year-old girl (file image)

The Delhi Commission for Women has issued a notice to the Delhi Police in connection with the attack on a 16-year-old girl in Tilak Nagar area of ​​Delhi.

The commission had received a complaint from the minor girl’s mother. The complainant informed the commission that she is a single mother and has a 16 year old daughter.

She said that a boy used to study in the coaching center with her daughter and used to harass her. According to the mother, the boy used to threaten the girl repeatedly by calling from different mobile numbers. He alleged that a complaint was lodged by him at the local police station against the boy, though the police asked him to settle. He told that on July 7, the boy attacked his daughter with a knife and brutally stabbed her. At present, the girl is admitted in the hospital and her condition is said to be critical.

Taking cognizance of the matter, DCW Chairperson Swati Maliwal has issued a notice to Delhi Police and sought action taken report.

In the notice, Swati Maliwal has sought the details of the FIR and the arrest made. The commission has also sought details of the action taken on the earlier complaints of the girl and her family. In addition, the commission has sought details of any inquiry conducted on the allegations made by the mother in connection with the settlement on the earlier complaint.

DCW chairperson Swati Maliwal said, “We have found a very serious case, a 16-year-old girl was stabbed by a boy who was stalking and threatening her for a long time. The girl’s mother alleged It is felt that the police reached a settlement on his earlier complaint. I have issued notice to Delhi Police and sought action taken report. Strict action should be taken in this matter and an example should be set.

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