Women to sue Qatar for aggressive airport search

SYDNEY, Australian – A group of women subjected to invasive gynecological searches at Doha airport have sued Qatari authorities, prompting global condemnation, their lawyer told AFP on Monday.

Women, including 13 Australians, on 10 Qatar Airways flights from Doha were tested late last year as authorities searched for the mother of a newborn baby abandoned in an airport bathroom.

The incident sparked outrage, and fueled concerns about Qatar’s treatment of women as the Gulf state prepares to receive thousands of foreign visitors for the 2022 Football World Cup.

Damien Sturzkar of Sydney-based firm Marque Lawyers said the seven affected passengers are now planning legal action to “send a message to Qatari authorities that you cannot treat women this way…”.

“The women’s group has faced severe distress in the respective evening, now just a year ago, and they are suffering distress and bad influence and trauma as a result of what happened,” she told AFP.

Sturzker said the women were demanding a formal apology, compensation and protection for future passengers arriving from the airport.

Qatar is an ultra-Orthodox Muslim monarchy, where sex outside marriage and childbearing is punishable by prison.

Ahead of the World Cup, the country has struggled to reassure critics that its promises on women’s rights, labor relations and democracy are credible.

Facing potentially catastrophic commercial and reputational damage following the incident, Qatar vowed to guarantee the future “safety and safety” of passengers.

The country’s prime minister also issued an apology, while an airport police officer who oversaw the searches was reportedly indicted.

But Sterzker said the women had not been made aware of any improvements to airport procedures and that their attempts to seek mediation were unsuccessful.

They said they now want to highlight their case ahead of the FIFA tournament, so that other travelers can be well informed before traveling to Qatar.

“They should be aware that – while there is a highly developed, highly modern airport and national carrier guise – these incidents have happened and there is nothing stopping them from happening again,” he said.

Qatar’s embassy in Canberra and Qatar Airways did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Sturzaker said a lawsuit would be filed within weeks against the Qatar Civil Aviation Authority in Australia, Hamad International Airport, Qatar Airways and the country’s government.

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