Woman’s jewelry missing from bank locker: The jewelery was bought for the daughter’s wedding, the bank washed away, said – it is our responsibility only if the locker is broken

  • Hindi News
  • National
  • The ornaments were bought for the daughter’s wedding, the bank washed it, said – if the locker is broken, then it is our responsibility, the couple is upset

Bilaspur4 hours ago

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A woman’s jewelry went missing from a safe place like a bank locker. The value of the missing ornaments is said to be more than Rs 10 lakh. The case is of Bilaspur, where along with the jewelry of a woman resident of Sipar Road, some important papers like password of crypto coin have also gone missing from the locker. The couple had kept these ornaments in the locker 18 months back. Dinesh Pandey working in SECL has an account in SBI SECL branch. Where he had taken a locker in 2009.

The ornaments were bought for the daughter’s wedding.

Dinesh Pandey told that he had deposited these ornaments for his daughter’s wedding. Along with this, some old ornaments were also jewelry gifts from his wife and some of the son’s wedding. On Tuesday, he was to go to Pune and his wife to Bangalore to meet their daughter. In such a situation, he went to the bank to keep some more jewelry of his wife in the locker. But as soon as he opened the locker there, his senses flew away.

Important documents also missing along with jewelry

Some important papers have also gone missing along with jewelery worth over Rs 10 lakh. Dinesh Pandey told that he had also invested in crypto coins. His password has also disappeared. Moreover, a photo of God kept in the locker has also disappeared.

The bank said – the bank is responsible only if the locker is broken or damaged

Branch manager Rajesh Ranjan told that there are 650 lockers in the bank. If the locker was broken or damaged, it would be the responsibility of the bank. If something goes missing from the locked locker, then we are not responsible for it. Still, after the complaint of the victim, CCTV footage and registers are being scrutinised.

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