Woman uses Apple AirTag to track down and kill her boyfriend: Report

Apple launched AirTag to help people never lose the items they’ve lost. But what the company didn’t know was that its tracker could be used for many nefarious purposes. And that’s exactly what has been reported in the US this week.

According to a news report, a woman tracked down her boyfriend’s airtag and allegedly killed him for cheating on him with another woman. According to sources cited in a USA Today report, the woman was living in the state of Indiana and used the airtag to track down her boyfriend, who she suspected was cheating on her.

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She later confessed to the police report that she used an airtag to track down her boyfriend, who she found while meeting another woman at a bar. Seeing him with another woman, she became enraged, and they both engaged in a heated conversation that turned serious. report good The claim is that they both asked to leave the bar, and later, she hit the boy with her car and ran after him and then proceeded.

This alarming development aided by AirTag will certainly worry other people and Apple to a large extent. The intention of the company behind launching this product was a handy tracker to locate misplaced items like keys, bags and even AirPods.

But incidents like these suggest that the device has become a weapon for those who use it for surveillance and for pursuers to hunt their prey.

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This is not the first major issue related to AirTag that has come to the fore. This is why Apple was forced to introduce anti-tracking features for AirTag via iOS to prevent them from being misused by iPhone users. And since clearly, those measures aren’t working, as this new report shows, Apple may be forced to rely on outside forces to fix the matter, and even more so. That law enforcement agencies can also be used to bring in rules that can prevent such incidents.

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