Witnesses in Bihar Assembly after Speaker’s assurance after two days of heated argument

A heated argument broke out in the Bihar Assembly on Wednesday, when opposition members gave up their insistence and took part in proceedings after Speaker Vijay Kumar Sinha’s assurance that their concerns about safety and dignity would be fully addressed. The monsoon session that began two days ago was plagued by the events of March 23, when several opposition members were physically evicted by the police for holding the speaker hostage inside his chamber.

Leader of the Opposition Tejashwi Yadav had moved an adjournment motion on the issue on Tuesday, which was turned down, though he was allowed to make a statement, following which the Speaker, besides state Parliamentary Affairs Minister Vijay Kumar Choudhary himself had answered. The opposition seemed to have got annoyed as it disrupted the pre-lunch session and staged a walkout after the resumption of the House at 2 pm. Several opposition legislators also claimed that the decision has been taken to boycott the proceedings for the rest of the session, which ends on Friday.

On Wednesday, they were standing outside the assembly complex raising slogans, holding placards and wearing helmets, which the legislators were underlining fears that they might be beaten up again for going against the government. Although there was some compromise, it appears opposition members were seen taking seats when the proceedings began. Congress Legislature Party leader Ajit Sharma, standing from his seat, said the issue of safety and honor of the MLAs is of paramount importance and cannot be dismissed.

He also expressed concern that since action was being taken against the members found particularly unruly on March 23, the matter should be discussed in the Business Advisory Committee meeting of the House. The Speaker, giving his consent, said that he did not want any doubt to remain in the minds of the MLAs of any party, who were invited to attend the meeting, which he was calling at 1 pm.

Ishara set the tone for the day and members enthusiastically participated in debates and discussions during Question Hour and Zero Hour.

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