Winter is here and you need this superfood to keep yourself healthy

Winter is here, and it can have many adverse effects on our health. From drying out your skin to a congested chest, winters don’t always prove to be romantic. And hence, we need to be extra cautious while enjoying the beautiful weather over there. Here are some superfoods that will help you keep your body fit and healthy this winter.


It is imperative to include ginger in your diet in winters, as it has many medicinal properties that strengthen your immunity. It is also very effective in reducing digestive problems. Not only this, ginger also keeps the body warm.

citrus fruits

Citrus fruits strengthen your immunity and reduce the risk of getting sick. It is advisable to include seasonal citrus fruits like kiwi, grapefruit, orange and lemon in the diet. These are the best sources of vitamin C, and they keep you healthy in winters.


Beetroot contains elements such as potassium, folate and beta carotene. They not only increase the immunity of the body but also help in keeping you warm. It also makes your skin glow.


Nutrient-rich avocado brings you many benefits and increases body heat and immunity. It also helps in maintaining the health of the skin and hair. It contains elements like Vitamin-B6, Vitamin-E, Vitamin B, Vitamin-C, Omega 3, Vitamin-K, pantothenic acid, magnesium and potassium.


An apple a day keeps the doctor away. It is a good source of Vitamin C which improves immunity and thus reduces the risk of getting sick. Eating it with the peel is considered beneficial, as its peel is high in fiber and phytonutrients.

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