Will wake people up against ‘autocratic’ government of Gujarat: Hardik Patel

to blame BJP Government of exploitation of the people, working president of Congress Hardik Patel Announced on Sunday that he would visit villages and towns in the state to spread awareness and bring about a “new revolution and change” in Gujarat. He said the party would organize 200 to 300 meetings across Gujarat next year.

Launching the Jan Chetna Mahasammelan campaign from Ravpar village on the outskirts of Morbi, Hardik said the days of ‘slavery’ may return if no one talks against the incumbent BJP governments in the state and at the Centre. Hardik while addressing a public meeting said, “If you don’t wake up, speak up, don’t tell them about the hardships and atrocities that you are facing, we will be slaves to the system that existed during the British rule. ” .

He said that the government is turning a blind eye to the difficulties of farmers, youth, middle class and small traders. “Ministers and MLAs (of the ruling party) have become deaf. If you want to wake up the deaf, you need to slap their ears. Only then will they wake up and take you seriously,” Hardik said.

The Congress leader also alleged that the government was making life difficult for the people by increasing fuel prices. “There are still three days left for Diwali but the price of petrol is increasing every day. LPG cylinders are getting expensive day by day. There is still some time for the festival of Diwali to start but the government is leaving no stone unturned to loosen the pockets of the people. Now the time has come for us to speak against the government.

He said that Morbi lacked basic facilities, despite it earning the government a lot of revenue in the form of taxes. “There is not a single government English medium school. Morbi pays the highest tax, generates the most revenue and yet, we are aware of how potholed the roads are here. The situation is the same in other districts as well and still no one is saying anything. People have got used to suffering,” Hardik said.

Addressing the same meeting, Vadgam MLA Jignesh Mevani criticized the central government for farmers’ protests against the new agricultural laws. “We are missing Sardar Patel but if he was with us today, his heart would have boiled after what happened” Lakhimpur (Kheeri) A few days before Uttar Pradesh. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel is known as the leader of Bardoli and Kheda Satyagraha while those who consider themselves to be small Sardars are running on the farmers of Lakhimpur. We have to understand this difference between the two Indias. Had Sardar Patel been among us today, he would have asked us how dare anyone run over the farmers,” said Mevani.

Stating that the country needed hospitals, libraries and universities, not the statues of great leaders, he said Sardar Patel’s soul would have been happy if the government spent Rs 100 crore for the construction of hospitals in his name in 33 districts of Gujarat. Would have spent 3,300 crores for an idol and so many people don’t lose their lives in the pandemic.
