Wife accuses husband of killing her unborn child by kicking her in the stomach

She wanted to become a mother by disobeying her husband’s instructions. The husband is accused of killing the unborn child by kicking his wife in the stomach. The incident is from Dharmadanga village of Kalna. Wife China Bibi has filed a police complaint against the accused Kamaluddin.

According to the family members of the bride, Kamuddin was married a year ago to China’s Balagarh resident of Hooghly. After marriage, the husband told that the wife could not conceive without his permission. But even after 6 months of marriage, China did not get pregnant. After that her in-laws started harassing her physically and mentally. They keep pressuring for an abortion. But China did not agree.

During the brawl on 6 March, Kamaluddin kicked China in the stomach. Because of that the bride fell ill. Bleeding starts. After that the bride was admitted to Kalna Super Specialty Hospital and the in-laws fled. China Bibi miscarried after being kicked by her husband.

After being discharged from the hospital on Sunday, the victim went straight to the police station. She then accused her husband of infanticide. According to police sources, the accused returned.