Why You Must Include Chia Seeds In Daily Diet

In today’s busy world, maintaining a balance of healthy eating and disciplined lifestyle has become very important. While regular exercise and workouts are important, one should also take care of their diet. Chia seeds, which offer numerous health benefits, should be an essential part of your diet.

Loaded with some important nutrients including omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and protein, this little superfood will actually provide a number of health benefits. And these include aiding in weight loss, digestion, energy and inflammation. Considering the long list of benefits that chia seeds provide, they can be included in your diet in a variety of ways.

How to include Chia seeds in your diet?

Pudding: You can include it in your diet by making chia seeds pudding. Not only will it provide a healthy start to your day, but it is also quite simple to make. For this, you can mix chia seeds in milk of your choice and keep it in the fridge overnight. Before consuming it in the morning, you can add sweetener and choose to customize it with fruit, honey or cream.

Smoothies: One of the most common and easy recipes with chia seeds is to make smoothies. For this, you need to add one tablespoon of chia seeds to the ingredients of your normal smoothie and mix it properly. Let it sit for a few more minutes as this will help the seeds to puff up and form a thick texture.

Crackers: If you want to consume chia seeds as a quick and easy snack, you can also make crackers. For this, mix chia seeds with water, wheat flour, olive oil and any spices of your choice. Make it like a dough and roll it out before cutting it into the shape of a cracker. You can bake them in the oven or air fry them as required.

Salad Dressing: Apart from adding chia seeds to your food, you can also use them as salad dressing. For this, you can mix chia seeds with other dressing ingredients and add to your favorite salad before serving.