Why Is Your Dog Coughing? Here Are Common Reasons And Symptoms

Bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites can cause coughing in infected dogs.  (Credits: Reuters)

Bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites can cause coughing in infected dogs. (Credits: Reuters)

Bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites can cause coughing in infected dogs.

Your dog may be coughing for a number of reasons – it could be a sign of an underlying respiratory condition or other causes such as medicinal side effects. Coughing is usually a normal behavior, but if your dog is showing frequent bouts of coughing, it may be a chronic cough.

We will be unable to ascertain whether the cough is simply caused by dust or it is something deeper or life threatening, it is important for us to understand the cause, gain knowledge and observe the coughing patterns of our dog .

Bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites can cause coughing in infected dogs. These infectious agents can target the entire airway from the upper respiratory tract to the lungs, causing many different conditions, such as bronchitis, tracheal collapse or pneumonia, depending on the specific infection.

Here are some common symptoms and reasons why your dog is coughing:


Coughing continuously for more than 2 days.

– Breathing problem.

Weakness or refusal to eat.

– The pet is suffering from fever.

Fatigue or excessive lethargy.

– The pet may feel irritated and not allow you to touch the nose or ears.

If you notice any symptoms, you should take your pet to the vet immediately.

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reasons for your dog’s cough

kennel cough

It is a highly contagious viral respiratory disease that results in blockage of the airways and inflammation of the trachea. Dogs usually catch kennel cough when they are in direct contact with other dogs or in places where many dogs come together like day care facilities or training groups. Dogs with kennel cough have a deep, dry cough with possible sneezing, sniffling and, in some cases, vomiting. As a precaution, always consult a vet to have your dog kennel cough vaccinated.

canine influenza

Just as humans are subject to contracting the flu, canines get canine influenza. Flu can last from 15 days to a month. It is also important to note that canine influenza is more difficult to treat than kennel cough. Cough, runny nose, lethargy, watery eyes, fever and loss of appetite are symptoms of the disease. In fact, the flu can further lead to secondary infections and more serious illnesses such as pneumonia.


Another infection that causes coughing in dogs is pneumonia which results in inflammation of the lungs. Dogs with pneumonia may develop a wet, raspy cough, which is usually accompanied by fever or lethargy and loss of appetite.

indoor hitch

Unlike humans, a dog’s sense of smell is much more acute which can be bothersome to your dog. Some airborne irritants that can cause your dog to cough include dust mites, mold, ash or smoke, deodorants, air fresheners and household sprays.

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