Why is National Mango Day celebrated? Know top varieties of mango

National Mango Day 2023
Image source: FREEPIK Learn why National Mango Day is celebrated on July 22 and the top varieties of the delicious fruit.

Mangoes are one of the most loved fruits in India, so it makes sense that an entire day would be dedicated to them. Mangoes are not only delicious, but they are also rich in vitamins and minerals that are essential for good health. National Mango Day is observed every year on 22 July as an occasion to celebrate the delicious and versatile fruit and its many varieties.

Mango is a tropical fruit that has been cultivated in India for thousands of years. The fruit has been a staple of Indian cuisine for centuries and is relished by countless people across the world. It is believed that National Mango Day was first celebrated in India in the 16th century as a tribute to this beloved fruit.

National Mango Day is a day to celebrate the sweet and tangy taste of mango, its many varieties and its cultural importance in India. On this day, people can enjoy mango flavored dishes, drinks, sweets and other delicacies. There are also lots of mango-themed events throughout the day such as mango eating contests, mango festivals and even mango-themed marathons.

One of the most popular ways to celebrate National Mango Day is by trying different varieties of mangoes. Hundreds of different types of mangoes are grown around the world, but the most popular varieties in India include Alphonso, Kesar, Dussehri, Langra and Chaunsa.

Top Mango Varieties

Alphonso mango is one of the most popular mango varieties in India. It has a rich, sweet flavor and tender texture that make it perfect for eating fresh or using in recipes. The saffron variety has a distinctive yellow color and sweet flavor that makes it great for making shakes and desserts. Dussehri mango has a sweet aroma and juicy texture that makes it perfect for making chutney or eating fresh. Langda mango has a tangy flavor which makes it ideal for making pickles or curries. And finally, the Chausa mango has a unique flavor that makes it perfect for making juice or jam.

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