Why International Women’s Day is Celebrated; Theme, History, and Significance

International Women's Day aims to celebrate the achievements of women and advocate for gender equality.  (Representational Image: Shutterstock)

International Women’s Day aims to celebrate the achievements of women and advocate for gender equality. (Representational Image: Shutterstock)

Women’s Day 2023: The theme for International Women’s Day 2023 – DigitalAll: Innovation and Technology for Gender Equality.

International Women’s Day 2023: On 8 March the world celebrates International Women’s Day. The day honors the achievements of women and existence in general. International Women’s Day is celebrated as a public holiday around the world, and it’s more than just a day to unveil Women’s Day specials in salons and shopping malls. Read on to know about the origin of International Women’s Day, significance of the day and this year’s theme.

International Women’s Day: History and Significance

On February 28, 1909, the Socialist Party of America established National Women’s Day in New York. It was proposed by labor activist Theresa Malkiel for citywide protests against garment workers. Later that year, taking inspiration from American socialists, German delegates proposed the idea of ​​Women’s Day, although no specific date was set.

The United Nations began celebrating International Women’s Day in 1975, and in 1977, the United Nations General Assembly declared March 8 as International Women’s Day in support of women’s rights and global peace. Since then, the United Nations has celebrated the day by establishing a theme each year.

The day is significant because it celebrates women’s achievements, raises awareness of gender equality, and accelerates gender equality, as well as fundraising for various women-focused charities.

International Women’s Day 2023: Theme

The theme of Women’s Day this year is “DigitalAll: Innovation and Technology for Gender Equality”. This is aligned with the priority theme for the upcoming 67th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW-67), namely “Innovation and Technological Change in the Digital Age and Education for Gender Equality and Empowerment of All Women and Girls”.

Objective of International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day aims to celebrate the achievements of women and advocate for gender equality. The day also aims to raise awareness about gender equality so that the most vulnerable members of our society have equal rights in all spheres, promoting equal participation in social, economic, cultural and political activities.

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