Why Did Tim Cook Not Wear The Vision Pro ‘Headset’ At WWDC 2023?

The main attendees of WWC 2023 were not allowed to touch the Vision Pro headset.  Forget the headset, they weren't even allowed to touch the table on which the Vision Pro headset was displayed.

The main attendees of WWC 2023 were not allowed to touch the Vision Pro headset. Forget the headset, they weren’t even allowed to touch the table on which the Vision Pro headset was displayed.

For the record, Apple—not even for once—has called the Vision Pro, a headset. Apple likes to refer to the Vision Pro as a spatial computer. Of course, no one’s stopping you from calling it a headset or ‘apple ski glasses’ or apple goggles.

After launching the first Apple Watch in 2015, Apple CEO Tim Cook announced Apple’s next big gadget – the Vision Pro. He described the Vision Pro ‘headset’ as the next big thing in personal technology. But if it’s so exciting, why didn’t Tim Cook or any senior Apple executive wear the Vision Pro headset on stage at WWDC 2023?

For the record, Apple—not even for once—has called the Vision Pro, a headset. Apple likes to refer to the Vision Pro as a spatial computer. Of course, no one’s stopping you from calling it a headset or ‘apple ski glasses’ or apple goggles.

You could argue that Tim Cook wears glasses and it can be difficult to adjust the headset while giving a live demo on stage. But the strange thing is, if you observe the WWDC 2023 keynote, neither Tim Cook nor any of the senior Apple executives were seen wearing the Vision Pro. In fact, there isn’t a single photo of Tim Cook wearing a headset in public. why so?

One reason could be that Apple is being careful. The Vision Pro is expensive and Apple is promising a lot. Also, the launch of the device is controlled. It will be first launched in the US next year and then it can be released in a phased manner in other parts of the world.

There is not a single photo of Tim Cook wearing a headset in public. why so?

Another factor to consider is that Apple is trying to protect the brand image of the Vision Pro and of course its executives. This launch is important to Tim Cook and Apple probably doesn’t want the Vision Pro ‘headset’ to turn into an online ‘meme fest’, even before the product actually arrives.

Talking about memes, whenever Apple launches a new product in its events, people seem ready to create memes around it. Beyond jokes, the mighty Mac Pro computer quickly became the ‘Cheesegrater Mac Pro’; There were memes around Dynamic Island, then of course, Bendgate and the ‘iPhone triple-camera gas burner’ reference.

Apple has always been very careful about how it presents new products, the public image of its executives and brand or products. So, maybe it’s trying to avoid a repeat of the “Cheesegrater Mac Pro” episode.

Apple has just introduced the Vision Pro ‘headset’. It will only face the real product-market fit test next year, when consumers will buy it in India for $3499 or over Rs 3 lakh.

While the most exciting aspect of the WWDC 2023 keynote was the Vision Pro’s “one more thing…” announcement, the keynote attendees were left with a bit of a surprise. Like all Apple events, right after the keynote is over, attendees head to the general demo area to try out the latest from Apple. But this time around, attendees weren’t allowed to touch the Vision Pro headset. Forget the headset, they weren’t even allowed to touch the table on which the Vision Pro headset was displayed. All the attendees could do was click pictures of the Vision Pro headset – remotely. So, really, you won’t actually find a real-life photo of someone wearing the Vision Pro just yet.

Apple had set up a separate demo zone solely for the headset where a select group of media, bloggers and others were taken ‘in secret’ to experience the Vision Pro. But guess what, even he was not allowed to click selfies with the Vision Pro. Apple doesn’t want any controversy with the Vision Pro right now.