Why are you suffering from joint pain during monsoon? Know the precautions and relief measures

During monsoon, your bones get more painful, which makes normal functioning difficult. Delhi-based bone surgeon Dr. Ashwini Maichand elaborates, “There is a relationship between joint pain and the changing seasons. Cold weather can be tough on your joints.

In monsoons, many people experience joint pain, muscle stiffness and bruising due to changes in moisture levels, air pressure and sudden temperature changes. This is because excessive levels of moisture can cause the blood to thicken, raise blood pressure in the blood vessels and make it difficult for the body to pump blood.”

Why does monsoon cause joint pain?

Humid days can lead to dehydration, which can result in less fluid accumulating around the joints, and they can exacerbate pain. Not only this, these factors can also increase the pain of arthritis. A large number of people, especially those over the age of 60, complain of joint pain and stiffness. Therefore, instead of ignoring the pain, it becomes necessary to control it. These are the best ways to get relief from muscle and joint pain.

Remedies and precautions to relieve joint pain

  • Massaging the affected joints with oil will also increase circulation.
  • People with joint or bone problems are advised not to use air conditioners as they can aggravate the pain.
  • Exercise can prove to be a boon for joint pain and muscle stiffness.
  • Don’t forget to take a morning walk, stretch muscles, practice yoga, exercise your legs, or ride a bicycle to keep joints in good shape.
  • Vitamin E can prove to be a boon for people with joint pain. It is an antioxidant that fights and protects the body from free radicals.
  • Vitamin E can also help reduce pain and inflammation. Nuts, green vegetables, seeds and fish are good sources of vitamin E.
  • Don’t forget to eat whole grains, almonds, walnuts and fruits. Avoid pickles, sweets, cakes, pastries and artificial sweeteners.
  • Colas, sodas, oily, processed and packaged foods can make your pain worse. Hot soup can reduce inflammation in the body.
  • Drinking water can help you stay hydrated, reduce pain, and improve joint flexibility.
  • Reduce sodium intake to control water retention and bloating in the body.
  • A diet rich in calcium and protein can have a magical effect on your health.
  • Vitamin D and B12 deficiencies can also cause numbness, joint pain, and tremors.

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