Why are people so scared of visiting Japan’s ‘gate to hell’?

The Ahun Ru Paro cave system is located at the base of Mount Otokuyama in the Hokkaido region of Japan and was nicknamed “The Gateway to Hell” by the local Ainu people after the mysterious death of a man who entered.

The rural town of Pippo has a population of around 4,000 and is usually just a stop for commuters. bustling city Asahikawa’s a few kilometers away.

A reporter in Japan was on his way to the northern region of the country when a man he met during his travels told him about a cave that serves as the “gateway to hell”. The Sora24 reporter wondered if this was just an urban legend spread by superstitious locals and decided to investigate for himself.

with nothing more than a Ambiguous Location on Google Maps, he set out to find the cave. He expected to walk through a dense forest to find the “entrance to hell”, but was surprised to see a sign by the side of the road indicating the entrance to the cave. The cave can also be seen from the main road.

One of the reasons for not knowing much about this cave is that the Ainu have no written language. it means that their folklore and traditions have been passed down Verbally.

Cefnim Cave (Credit: Hadar Yahav)

One of the stories passed down from generation to generation is about two old villagers who found themselves lost in a cave and after a long search managed to escape from it.

determination to see the invisible

One of them decided to go back there, while the other said he would never go. The one who wanted to return soon died under mysterious circumstances, while the other lived for many years. Following these superstitions, a huge sign with the words “DO NOT ENTER” was put up outside the cave.

The entrance is locked, but brave and determined adventurers can crawl under the barrier to get inside. The reporter who found the cave preferred to listen to the instructions and did not go inside. He looked around the cave to make sure it wasn’t just a tunnel. w

When he circled the entrance, he found a solid rock wall, which meant that the only way into the cave was down – and the way out was unknown.