Why am I waking up to body aches? 6 reasons why your body pains after sleeping

Waking up with body aches: Even though we’ve all slept through our alarm clocks in the morning, you should still wake up feeling refreshed and ready for the day. However, it is important to identify the underlying problem if you have noticed that you are waking up with muscle pain for no apparent reason.

There are many possible explanations, including your mattress, sleeping position, weight, sleep disorders, and underlying medical concerns. Therefore, it is essential to determine what is causing your muscle pain so that you can feel like yourself once again.

Here are 6 possible reasons that can lead to body aches while waking up:

not getting enough good quality sleep

Even if you think you’re getting the prescribed 7-9 hours of sleep a night, if you’re following a regular sleep schedule, the quality of your sleep is just as important as the quantity. When you don’t get enough high-quality sleep, your body’s cells and tissues don’t get a chance to repair properly, leaving you feeling tired and sore in the morning.

poor sleep position

You may have body aches when you wake up because of your sleeping position. The ideal sleeping position varies from person to person. In general, side sleeping works best for most people, especially those who have breathing problems during sleep, including obstructive sleep apnea.

chronic stress may be a factor

Many things can cause stress to accumulate over time, such as a high-stress job or intense exercise. On the other hand, it may be the cause of your morning physical pain. This is because stress increases cortisol levels, which can increase your vulnerability to inflammation and lead to body pain.

underlying medical condition

Many diseases can lead to high levels of inflammation, including Lyme disease, arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, auto-immune diseases, and low vitamin D levels. Your health care professional may perform several tests to evaluate your general health and rule out any underlying medical disorder that may be causing your muscle pain in the morning.

bad diet to blame

When it comes to any health issue, it is important to consider your diet as it can significantly affect your general well-being. Your body will not perform at its best if you are not giving it all the nutrition it needs. An inflammation-inducing diet that includes foods high in saturated fat, sugar, refined carbs, wheat and alcohol may be responsible for waking up with sore muscles for no apparent reason.

exercising too much or not exercising

Making regular exercise a priority in your daily routine can be challenging as people’s lives get busier. You may be surprised to learn that even a lack of activity can make your body ache when you wake up. While it should come as no surprise that excessive exercise can also cause dreaded muscle soreness when you wake up, too much activity can also be a cause of morning muscle soreness. Hence, the only solution for this kind of problem is proper amount of exercise.

Although there are many possible causes of muscle and body pain, it is important to identify the underlying problem so that you can begin the healing process and feel like yourself again. Talk to your doctor about your best possible treatment or suggestions for getting better.

(Disclaimer: This article is based on general information and is not a substitute for expert advice. Zee News does not endorse it.)