Who is behind the antisemitic protests in the USA? – opinion

The success of the despicable anti-Israel and pro-Hamas protests on college campuses in the United States is related to the fact that they are not spontaneous at all but well organized and financed.

During the wave of anti-Israel boycotts, Arab commentators and journalists published articles that exposed the propaganda in the USA and the money it invests in “education” in America. In 2019, a coalition of Arab countries in the Middle East – Saudi Arabia, the Emirates, Bahrain, and Egypt – boycotted the principality of Qatar due to its support for terrorism.

The Arab press in the coalition countries revealed the truth about the takeover of the movement five years ago, before the Saudi-Qatari reconciliation, and the truth of the Muslim Brotherhood’s takeover of parts of the American education system.

In July 2020, Najat Al-Saied, a researcher from the UAE, published an article in Alhurra newspaper titled Qatar and the Funding of American Universities. In her article, Al-Saied described the strange alliance formed between the American radical left and the Muslim Brotherhood activists in Qatar.

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. Saudi Arabia June 7, 2023 (credit: REUTERS)

According to her, more and more lecturers and students who belong to the left-wing Muslim Brotherhood alliance and identify with its principles are taking over freedom of thought in US universities.

Under the guise of “political correctness” and alleged “racist thinking,” academics who try to express an opinion that does not align with their views are oppressed. The funding source of the alliance is, as mentioned, from the principality of Qatar. Al-Saied cited shocking data from the US Department of Education, according to which, in 2019, American educational institutions were funded by more than $1 billion in external funding, led by Qatar.

In 2012, it was announced that the Qatar Foundation, the Qatari international institution for education, spent at least $1.5 billion to finance education initiatives in 28 universities across America and became the largest external funder of education in the US. Al-Saied further revealed that Qatar regularly spends $405 million a year to finance activities at six American universities with branches in Doha, the capital of Qatar.

There are no free gifts. Qatar uses the activities it initiates and research it funds to spread an Islamist ideology in the Qatari spirit. Qatar is a country with an extreme Wahhabi religious school, and Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani was deeply influenced by the ideology of Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, one of the leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood who operated in Qatar until he died in 2022.

Al-Saied claimed in her article that the Qatari propaganda, which permeates American academic institutions, is intended to glorify the principality and defame its rivals, primarily Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the Emirates, and Bahrain. Qatari money is intended to finance the Muslim Brotherhood in the USA together with the radical left known as progressives.

Al-Saied illuminated an important aspect of the politics behind the propaganda. According to her, Qatar wants to strengthen the political left in the US because conservatives oppose Qatar and support its rivals, including Saudi Arabia. The process described by Al-Saied has worsened greatly in the four years since the article was written. 

The evil source behind the rampant and dangerous anti-Israel propaganda

Raymond Abraham, an American Christian academic of Egyptian origin, wrote an article about two months ago revealing that Qatar has invested $5.6 billion in 81 American universities since 2007, including the most prestigious: Harvard, Yale, Cornell, and Stanford.

The reports Abraham cites also talk about the funding of academic activities in the US by other countries (albeit in much smaller amounts) led by Saudi Arabia, Oman, and Turkey. According to Abraham, the activities funded by Qatar and these other countries from the Middle East are saturated with hatred for the values of Western culture, such as freedom of expression and women’s rights.

An official report by the US Department of Education from 2020 warned that many donations to academic institutions in the US are received from sources that are openly hostile to the US. Abraham also revealed that propaganda against Israel and many activities against Israel on campuses, even before the war in Gaza, were funded by “generous donors” from countries in the Middle East.

An interesting part of Abraham’s article reveals that the funding bodies from the Middle East, led by Qatar, invest a lot in the study of Islam, but do not encourage academic research of non-Muslim minorities in the Middle East, such as Christians, Jews, Baha’is, Yazidis, Kurds, and Druze. The bottom line, Abraham explains, is that the donations are only intended to promote Islamic studies in its radical and intolerant version. He concludes that the failure of the US in its policy in the Middle East is due to the fact that most of the officials in the US government are graduates of this rotten academic education system.

Who is behind the demonstrations on campuses in the USA? Who is financing Hamas? Who is spreading the propaganda in favor of Gazan terrorism in the world through the Al Jazeera network? Who financed the jihadist movements that destroyed Syria in the civil war? Who led the false negotiations between the US and the Taliban on the future of Afghanistan? Who still funds the Muslim Brotherhood all over the world? Who stole the World Cup and bribed FIFA? There is only one answer to these disturbing questions: the Muslim Brotherhood activists in Qatar.