WHO approves 2 new treatments for Kovid-19 amid spread of infection

New Delhi: As the world stares at the new Covid-19 wave and there is no sure-shot treatment available for the infection, the World Health Organization has approved two new treatments that can reduce the risk of serious illness and death, the news agency reported. Told AFP.

WHO experts said in their recommendations in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) that the arthritis drug baricitinib, used with corticosteroids to treat severe COVID cases, has the potential to improve survival rates and reduce the need for ventilators. has been proven for.

The other treatment approved by WHO experts is the synthetic antibody treatment sotrovimab for patients with non-severe COVID but high hospitalization risk such as older people and people with chronic diseases such as diabetes.

However, sotrovimab is not significantly effective for its effects on non-at-risk patients and newer forms such as: omicron “Still uncertain,” the magazine said.

Till now, there were three treatments available for COVID-19 which were separately approved by WHO. This includes corticosteroids for the critically ill which were approved in September 2020. It is an anti-inflammatory drug that is cheap and readily available.

Other treatments available are with the gout drugs tocilizumab and serilumab that were approved by the WHO in July. Medicines may be useful in fighting an overreaction of the immune system due to infection. Patients can also use baricitinib as it also falls under the same guidelines as the previous two guidelines.

“When both are available, choose one based on issues including cost and the experience of the physician,” says the guidelines, as explained by AFP.

The approval of sotrovimab is in line with the synthetic antibody treatment Regeneron that was approved by the WHO in September.

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