WhatsApp Working On Expiring Groups Feature To Save Space: Know More

Users will be able to choose from various termination options

Users will be able to choose from various termination options

After the expiration date is over, users will be asked to clear the group.

In good news for WhatsApp users, the Meta-owned instant messaging application is working on expiring groups as an additional tool to save space. This new feature will allow users to set a fixed expiry date for their groups.

After the expiration date is over, users will be asked to clear the group.

According to a report by WhatsApp tracking website WABetainfo, the instant messaging platform is developing this option which will appear within Group Info in future updates of the app.

When this feature is released, users will be able to choose from different expiration options such as one day, one week, or a custom date, and they will also have the ability to remove the expiration that was previously set in case they change their mind. was determined, it added.

It is important to note that this choice is personal as it will not apply to other group participants. As per the report, the introduction of this feature is expected to provide a good solution to a common issue where groups become disorganized and irrelevant over time.

In addition, it provides a good storage tool for users to save space by managing groups over time, especially for groups that are temporarily created to organize specific events such as birthdays. The ability to choose an expiration period for your WhatsApp groups is under development and will be released in a future update of the app.

In related news, WhatsApp is reportedly planning to bring the Split View feature to the tablet version of the app. The split screen mode allows users to view the chat list and chat window simultaneously and will also be available within the Call and Status tabs.

The report suggested that Split View allows users to easily switch between conversations without losing track of their ongoing chats.

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