What is Toxic Positivity? How does it affect our mental state?

What is Toxic Positivity? This is when you act happy or cheerful even when you are not really well. We often hear people say, “Just cheer up” or “It’ll get better, don’t worry,” when someone is going through a rough patch. Having a positive attitude towards life is good for your mental health, but the problem is that life is not always positive. The range of our feelings is very wide. We all deal with painful feelings and experiences. Even though these feelings may be unpleasant, it is important that the person handles and accepts them honestly.

Too much positivity, like anything, is bad. Toxic positivity can make you unauthentic, lose touch with reality and even cut you off from those close to you.

Instead of being comfortable sharing their human feelings and seeking help, people have glorified dismissing feelings outright. Toxic positivity can harm people, especially those going through difficult times, in more ways than one.

Shaming: Family, friends and loved ones are the greatest support systems one can have. But when the support system doesn’t respect or acknowledge your feelings with open arms, people start to feel that their feelings and emotions are unacceptable.

guilty feeling: Toxic positivity just increases guilt. It sends a message that if a person is unable to find a way to feel positive even in the face of tragedy, it is their fault.

Avoid human emotions: Toxic positivity fuels the avoidance mechanism. People learn to bypass emotional situations that can make them feel uncomfortable. Instead of solving problems, they run away.

Affects development: While this allows us to avoid feelings that may be a trigger point, it also deprives us of the ability to cope with challenging emotions, further restricting growth.

If you meet someone who is going through a tough time, just listen to them and avoid making toxic positivity statements. All you can say is “I understand” or “I’m here for you.”

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