What is the result of the Battle of the Little Red House of the High Court? Women were shocked – News18 Bangla

#Kolkata: Victory of women lawyers in the battle of Chhota Lalbari of High Court (Calcutta High Court). Despite the mixed results, women lawyers won 6% of the seats. Lawyers backed by Congress, BJP and Trinamool Congress (TMC) have shared responsibility with the lawyers of the High Court. Looking at the figures, this time Trinamool Congress candidates have made a good impression. Of the crucial 15 posts, 11 are held by the lawyers of the Trinamool Congress panel.

Congress’s Arunav Ghosh has won the post of Garima’s president. BJP panel’s Kallol Mandal has won the vice-president’s post. BJP panel’s editorial candidate Partha Ghosh got 928 votes. The victorious Trinamool Vishwabrata got 98 votes. There is a fierce battle for the post of President and Vice President. Arunav Ghosh of Congress got 1150 votes for the post of President. Trinamool Congress leader Amjad Ali 1056. BJP Prameet Roy 1032.

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Joyparajay lost to the vice-president’s post by 16 votes. BJP’s Kallol Mandal got 1272 votes and Trinamool’s Supriya Chattopadhyay got 1254 votes. Sonal Sinha of Trinamool Congress panel has won the post of co-editor by a huge margin. Sonal got 1430 votes. Trinamool’s Waseem Ahmed won the second post of co-editor. Joydeep Banerjee of Trinamool has become treasurer.

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List of winners voted by lawyers at a glance.

President – ​​Arunav Ghosh, Congress and Left supported candidate.
Vice President – ​​Kallol Mandal, BJP supported candidate.
Editor- Vishwabrata Basu Malik, Trinamool Congress supported candidate.
1) Co-Secretary – Sonal Sinha, Trinamool Congress supported candidate.
2) Co-Secretary – Waseem Ahmed, Trinamool Congress supported candidate.
Treasurer – Jaideep Banerjee, Trinamool Congress supported candidate.

Trinamool Congress-backed candidates with nine working members and seven seats. BJP supported candidate who won two seats. The nine executive members who won the election are Sangeeta Roy, Kakali Naskar, Suman Saha, Deblina Sahu, Anindita Banerjee, Porna Roychowdhury, Sutapa Banerjee (Dasgupta), Amrita Pandey, Mary Dutt. Sangeeta Roy got 183 votes. There are only 10 women in the 15-member committee. 8% of the winning candidates are women lawyers.

Arnab Hazra