What is Iron Beam, a Star Wars-like missile defense system tested by Israel?

Films have always been a source of inspiration behind new discoveries, technological advancements and unique designs. Israeli engineers and scientists have now uncovered a Star Wars-like laser beam that can target incoming missiles and render them useless. “It may sound like science fiction, but it’s real,” says Israel’s prime minister.

Dubbed Iron Beam, the technology, a laser missile-defense system, can reportedly intercept drones, mortars, rockets and anti-tank missiles.

Israel is known for technological advancements in weapons and is one of the largest global exporters of weapons. Iron Beam is part of the country’s air defense system along with its highly advanced rocket-interceptor Iron Dome. Claimed to be the world’s first energy-based weapon system, it uses a laser beam to shoot down incoming UAVs, rockets and mortars.

Naftali Bennett said in a tweet, “Israel has successfully tested the new “Iron Beam” laser interception system. It is the world’s first energy-based weapon system that can take down incoming UAVs, rockets and mortars at a cost of $3.50 Uses a laser to shoot. Per Shot.”

What is Iron Beam?

In a video released by the Israeli government, the Iron Beam system is shown targeting an oncoming rogue unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), which is destroyed in the air before it is able to attack. This test was done last month in the Negev desert.

The video, which was heavily edited and set to music, shows a laser beam beaming out of a ground station, hitting targets and breaking them into smaller pieces.

While the country has released little details about the laser system’s effectiveness, it is expected to be deployed on land, in the air and at sea. The goal is to deploy laser systems around Israel’s borders over the next decade to protect the country from attacks. The announcement of the new system was intended to send a message to Palestine and Iran.

Israel claims it is the world’s first energy-based weapon system. (Photo: Screengrab/Naftali Bennett)

Why does Israel need iron beams?

Part of a series of systems for intercepting everything from long-range missiles to rockets launched from a few kilometers (miles) away, the Iron Beam is designed to complement The Iron Dome system has emerged as an expensive technology for the country.

Israeli PM Naftali Bennett acknowledged in February that the Iron Dome defense system is too expensive and the country is accelerating the rollout of laser technology to help protect it from rocket attacks. The Iron Dome defense system is very expensive and the country is accelerating the rollout of laser technology to help protect it from rocket attacks. If it is possible to intercept a missile or rocket with just one electric pulse that costs a few dollars, then we will eliminate the ring of fire that Iran has set up on our borders,” Bennett told the Institute for National Security. Studies were reported in Tel. Aviv University.

Iron Dome system targeting incoming Cluster missiles. (Photo: Reuters)

The Iron Dome system, unveiled a decade ago, has been a huge success, with a 90% intercept rate against incoming rocket fire, however, it has been just as expensive. The Prime Minister of Israel stated that the Iron Dome was limited by its high price, which is partly underwritten by the United States. Bennett said someone in Gaza could fire a rocket at Israel for a few hundred dollars, but it costs thousands of dollars to stop it.

The new system, as claimed by the Israeli government, will only cost $3.50 per shot.

Will other countries get iron beams?

Israel is known as a major arms exporter to countries around the world, Including India, which uses Israeli Tver assault rifles, Negev and B-300 anti-tank rocket launchers, and the Falcon AWACS system. “This new generation of air defense can also serve our friends in the region,” Bennett has said in the past, hinting that the technology could be used by other countries as well.

The country is working on a “laser wall” against missiles, rockets and drones that could be used by Israel and other countries against threats from Iran, which has developed long-range missiles that can attack Israel. are capable.