What did the Union Agriculture Minister say, indicating to bring back the Agriculture Act?

The peasant movement has barely subsided. Meanwhile, Union Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar indicated to bring back the Agriculture Act. He had come to Nagpur to inaugurate a three-day agricultural exhibition. The Union Minister said that after 70 years of independence, agricultural reforms have started under the leadership of Modi. But some people don’t like it. We are one foot behind. However, we are not disappointed.

If the situation is favourable, we will proceed again. Farmers are the backbone of the country. If they are strong then the country will be strong. I appreciate the farmers for improving the economy of the country. Whenever there is an economic crisis in the country, farmers come forward. Even in the time of Kovid, farmers gave bumper yields.

But even after praising the farmers so much, the gesture he gave is very important. And after this remark of the Union Agriculture Minister, once again there has been an uproar. The farmers have been protesting at the Delhi border since November last year. Many people have also died. He started an agitation demanding the repeal of the Agriculture Act. But in the end the government was forced to repeal the law. This was announced by the Prime Minister himself. Yet why this signal is from the Union Agriculture Minister. The question remains.
