What Are The Warning Signs of Arthritis And How To Control Joint Pain

Last Update: January 05, 2023, 19:37 IST

There are over 100 different types of arthritis, but the most common are rheumatoid arthritis (OA) and osteoarthritis (RA).  (Image: shutterstock)

There are over 100 different types of arthritis, but the most common are rheumatoid arthritis (OA) and osteoarthritis (RA). (Image: shutterstock)

A sudden drop in barometric pressure due to a drop in ambient temperature can add to the discomfort for people with arthritis.

The winter months are quite challenging for arthritis patients as the cold winds cause severe pain in the joints. A sudden drop in barometric pressure due to a drop in ambient temperature can add to the discomfort for people with arthritis.

As the temperature drops, the capillaries constrict and cause stiffness and joint swelling. Cold air reduces the blood flow to the hands and feet and also reduces the level of Vitamin D in the body, which leads to weakening of bones and joints.

Arthritis is a common joint problem that causes pain, swelling, and tenderness in one or more joints. It can develop at any age. However, people having a family history of arthritis or suffering from previous joint injuries and obesity are at a higher risk of contracting the arthritis condition.

Here are the most common warning signs of arthritis you need to know and some important tips you can follow to prevent severe joint pain.

morning stiffness

Body stiffness that lasts for more than an hour is a sign of arthritis, especially when getting up in the morning or after sitting in a chair for a long time.

persistent pain

Arthritis pain may be constant or may come and go. The pain may be in one part of the body or in several different parts, even when you are moving or at rest.

burning and swelling

Arthritis is primarily associated with inflammation and swelling in the joints. The skin on the affected area may turn red and feel swollen or hot. You should visit a doctor if the swelling lasts for more than 3 days.

difficulty getting up

If the pain is so severe that you find it difficult to even get up from your bed or chair, it could be a sign of arthritis in your joints.

Some important tips to avoid severe joint pain during winters:

  1. Stay active and keep moving, going for a walk or doing some of the daily routine activities.
  2. Keep your body warm, cover your hands with woolen gloves and feet with socks and stockings to relieve joint pain.
  3. Maintain a healthy weight, do exercises recommended by your physiotherapist.
  4. Stay hydrated, drink a hot cup of tea or have a bowl of soup.
  5. Monitor your Vitamin D levels, spend some time outside and get natural sunlight.
  6. Massage around affected joints to reduce muscle pain.

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