West Bengal Tourism Minister Babul Supriyo Hospitalised After Complaining of Chest Pain, Uneasiness

Kolkata: Singer-turned-politician and West Bengal Tourism Minister Babul Supriyo was admitted to a Kolkata hospital on Monday after he complained of severe chest pain along with extreme restlessness and excessive sweating. His family said that he started complaining of mild chest pain and uneasiness on Sunday evening itself. However, his condition turned critical on Monday morning, following which he was admitted to a private hospital in South Kolkata.

Hospital sources said that a coronary angiography was done after the admission, where there were some problems in the blood vessels of his heart. Echocardiography report was normal, however ECG report found some abnormalities.

Hospital sources said the team of doctors treating him do not feel the need to conduct an angiogram for the time being and the minister has been kept under medication. A hospital source said, “There is no major reason to worry at this point of time. He was admitted to the hospital at the right time.”

Before joining the Trinamool Congress in the last quarter of 2021 and being elected as the ruling party’s MLA last year, Supriyo was a two-time BJP Lok Sabha member from Asansol and also a minister of state in the Narendra Modi-led Union cabinet. However, he started distancing himself from the BJP after the 2021 West Bengal assembly elections and eventually, he joined the Trinamool.