West Bengal Lottery Result 2022: Dear Bangabhumi Bhagirathi Results for May 12 at 4 PM; Here’s How to Check

WEST BENGAL LOTTERY RESULT 2022: The weekly lucky draw for Thursday, ‘Dear Bangabhumi Bhagirathi,’ will be officially unveiled at 4 pm by the West Bengal Lottery. It is one of West Bengal’s most anticipated lotteries. Dear Bangabhumi Bhagirathi, a single lottery ticket for Rs 6 allows even the underprivileged to win large cash prizes.

West Bengal Lottery: Prize details

The top prize for Thursday’s lucky draw is Rs 50 lakh, and reserving the second position will net you Rs 9,000. The third-place winner will receive Rs 500, while the fourth and fifth-place finishers will get Rs 250 and Rs 120, respectively. If you do not make the Dear Bangabhumi Bhagirathi winning list, you can still earn a Rs 1,000 consolation award.

If you’re not sure how to check the results for Dear Bangabhumi Bhagirathi, follow these steps:

Step 1: Go to the West Bengal Lottery Sambad’s official website. If you are having trouble accessing the site, please visit www.lotterysambadresult.in,

Step 2: The Lottery Sambad website’s homepage will provide links to the results of numerous weekly lucky draws. Click on the “Lottery Sambad Result 12-05-2022″ link instead.

Step 3: By clicking the hyperlink, you will be directed to a new web page that displays the Dear Bangabhumi Bhagirathi winner’s list.

Step 4: Check the winning list to find if your lottery ticket number is on it.

Here’s How to claim the prize

First off, participants have to submit their Dear Bangabhumi Bhagirathi ticket to the West Bengal Lottery office if they win any of the prizes. It is important to check if the ticket is in good condition because a damaged one might not be accepted at the office.

Lottery offices will also request identification paperwork as part of the verification process. So, you must bring legitimate identification documents with you, such as an Aadhaar card or a Pan Card.

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